Christmas Time part 2

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Ray's POV

"Wake up Ray-Ray!" Michelle was jumping on my bed. "It's Christmas and Santa came last night. Mama Sue said we couldn't open presents without you. So you have to wake up." 

"Okay I'm awake." Michelle climbed off the bed and ran out into the living room.I rolled out of bed and waddled down the hall. I went into the the living room and saw Sue, Seth, Leah, Michelle , and Paul all sitting down. I went over and sat down on the couch next to Leah and Paul. Seth was sitting on the floor with Michelle, and Sue was sitting in the recliner. I hadn't seen Paul since I pretty much begged him to stay the night with me 2 days ago. Seth told me that Paul was busy all day yesterday so he wasn't able to come over. 

"Merry Christmas." Paul said as he scooted closer to me. Seth began to hand out presents, most f them were for Michelle. But there were a few for the rest of us, even a couple for the twins and they weren't even born yet.

"Merry Christmas." I said to Paul as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder as I watched Michelle open her presents.

"How did you sleep?" Paul asked turning towards me a little to make me more comfortable against him.

"A little restless. The babies didn't want to settle down until late for some reason." 

He placed his hand on my belly and lowered his voice. "You two should let your mommy sleep. She needs to be able to sleep and not be tired so she can keep you two safe and healthy." Then he looked up at me with a little smile on his face. "I can stay over again tonight and rub your belly until they are asleep that way you can get plenty of sleep tonight."

"Oh. I couldn't ask you to do that. You need to sleep too. I can't ask you to stay up all night, just to make sure I get some sleep."

"Then it's a good thing you aren't asking. I'm offering, unless you don't want me to stay over." Paul asked while he slowly, almost reluctantly, moved his hand off of my belly. I felt a little sad as I felt the warmth leave with his touch.

I quickly grabbed his hand. "No. I wouldn't mind. I just don't want you to lose any sleep because of me." 

He adjusted his hand with mine and interlocked our fingers together. "I would love to stay over. We just need to stop at my place before coming back here. Or you could bring some clothes for you and Michelle, and y'all can stay with me tonight?"

"I don't know. Where would we all sleep? Would we all fit on your bed?"

"Yes we would. I have a queen size bed" Paul said. "But if you would rather her sleep in her own bed, I have a sofa couch that pulls out into a full size bed."

"It's not that I would necessarily rather have her sleep in her own bed, but she moves a lot in her sleep and I just don't want her to accidentally kick my stomach." I said placing my free hand on my stomach. "Let's ask Michelle and see what she wants to do." When I saw that she was done opening her presents and had decided to help Seth open his.

"Okay." He turned to Michelle. "Princess? I have a question to ask you. Can you come here real quick? And then you can go back to helping Seth open his presents." She jumped up and climbed into Paul's lap, which meant he had to let go of my hand. "Do you want to spend the night at my house tonight? We can watch Christmas movies in our new pajamas an drink hot chocolate and eat popcorn. Does that sound like fun?"

"Yeah. But what about Sethie? He will be lonely without me here."

"Seth can come stay the night too. You two can sleep on my couch that turns into a bed. And then in the morning when we all wake up we can have pancakes, eggs, and bacon."

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