Chapter 1: The First Day

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"Wake Up!!!!" Two voices shout.

Scared I tumble to the floor. I look up to see Quinn and Yuuma laughing. Quinn and Yuuma are littles meaning they are in to Mdlb and Ddlb. If you are thinking you have cute littles? Then you are sadly mistaken. Yuuma is a cute shy Japanese boy. He loves to cook, almost as much as his mommy loves to eat. He has won three cooking competitions in a row. His mommy is my best friend, Aubrey. Aubrey is an artist. She is very out spoken and if you mess with her little, well the next place you'll see her is heaven....or hell. Quinn on the other hand is not as shy as Yuuma, his the total opposite, very energetic and smiley. He is the captain of his schools the basketball team and soccer team. If their Doms didn't know each other they would be best friends, actually I think they wouldn't be friends at all. Quinn's daddy is my step-brother Aleixandre. He speaks very bad English, because he refused to learn when he as small. He may not be able to speak English but he can write it. He's an author. His latest book is all about Quinn and him.

"What was that for?" I asks climbing back into my bed.

"We were told to wake Auntie Sasha up" Quinn says giggling. Yes they call me Auntie Sasha.

"Why? How'd you even get in the house?" I asks pulling the pillow over my head.

"Yours and our daddy and mommy's new job starts to today and you gave my mommy a key for emergency." Yuuma says grabbing my hand and pulling me to my closet .

"Lets see you need something that says business woman. So you don't get fired and become homeless and die in the street" he says shaking.

"I'm working at a school not a law firm" I say. I pull him in for a hug. "You worry to much."

"Fine, then wear the white blouse and brown skirt." He says. He pulls the clothes out.

"Yes, thank you my fashion designer in training" I say ruffling his hair.

"Now go and let me get dressed" I say pushing him and Quinn out my room.

"Okay but hurry don't want to be late on your first day" Quinn says.

"Bye boys" I say shutting the door.

"Rude!!!" They shout. I hear footsteps walk off.

I quickly get dressed in my clothes and brush my teeth. I head downstairs and into my kitchen. I hear a little girl's whine. That's probably Cassidy. Cassidy is an eighteen year old little. Her daddy spoils her rotten till the point where most of us want him to 'fly a kite' if you know what I mean. If you don't well, whatever. Cassidy's daddy is a big man, which looks odd when you place little Cassi in front of him. I meet Raymond at collage, we dated but we so found out that we didn't mix so we just stayed friends. Which is one of the reasons why Cassi hates my guts. Raymond looks like a big scary guy, who probably is a hit man. But no he isn't, he is the happiness guy you'll ever meet. He'd give you the clothes off his back or in Cassi case a $500 purse that she will never use. So technically he's a push over.

"But daddy!!!" Cassidy whines.

"Hush pet" He says kissing her on the nose.

Her frown quickly turns into a smile and jumps on his lap.

"Hello all" I say taking coffee from Quinn.

"Hey!" He whined.

"You're too young for coffee"

"I'm seventeen"

"Okay your too young for my coffee"

"That makes no sense"

"How about this? It's my coffee. You all broke in. So you can't have any."

Quinn frowned.


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