Chapter 7: Warmth

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*Third Person*

Raina clung to Sasha with a need to feel closeness. Sasha had barely left their side, only to go to the vending machines. Sasha stroked Raina hair as the girl slept soundly. The others would periodically come to check up on the twins. Social services came and removed them from their uncles custody. Sasha had agreed to take them in for the time being until they track down their mother and father.

Sasha turned to the bed were wires and tubing made noises. Reagan seemed frozen. They had said that the boy was doing better however couldn't say when he would wake.

It had already been two weeks. Sasha laid Raina down on the chair beside her and walked over to the sleeping boy. She had wanted to pat his head, to show him that not only Raina was waiting for him to wake up.

Sasha gently stroked the boy soft feathery hair.

"Reagan? You wake up soon okay? You can't leave Raina all alone can you." She whispered as she pet him.

She gave a said smile at the non responsive boy. The machines continued their noises. A nurse walked in and beckoned her out the room to further discus Reagan's current condition. Sasha gently kissed him on the head and left the room.


'Warm...she's so warm. It's cold now why?' Raina thought as she woke up.

Blury white soon turned to the clear sight of the hospital bed and machines again. She looked around for miss adams. She was frantic and felt alone. She got up and turned to go look out the door. She was in such a rush she tripped over a wire connected to an important part of the machine helping Reagan breathe.

She didn't hear the machine's blaring as it let the nurses notice the Reagan had lost his air supply.

Sasha and the a bunch of nurses ran into room. Sasha turning to a needy and crying Raina and the nurses trying to find out what was wrong with Reagan.  Sasha held Raina close as she cried. They were ushered out of the room. They sat in a waiting room both a bit numb now.

A few minutes later....the doctor walks in with...a smile. Raina runs to her brothers room. Weak tired and in a bit of pain her brother laying in his bed looked at her tear filled eyes as the two embrace.

Sasha smiled at them. Reagan and Raina smile back.

Sasha carried Reagan on her hip as they left the hospital ever since he had woken up he was like glued to her. Same with Raina as she clung to Sasha arm. Sasha couldn't even drive home herself as account for them being very clingy. Raymond drove.

While they sat in the back. They sat on her lap hugging each other and snuggling up to her as if they were freezing. When they made it back to Sasha house she bought them to her room and laid them down she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Its been a long- it's just been long. Rest a bit okay?" She said reaching and petting their heads.

Sasha began to get up before she felt her shirt get pulled a bit.

"C-can just stay here till we fall asleep?" Reagan asked it a small voice.

Sasha smiled "of course little ones."

_________________________________________ not dead yay!!!! Sorry it's literally been ages. Im back i think. Lol. I hope all of you that enjoyed it in the past are still here to enjoy it now. I hope you will forgive me. So yeah im back!!❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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