Be mine for eternity.

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Mark has been thinking. Thinking about how him and Jack had been dating for 3 years. Was it time to take the next step?

Mark picked up his phone and dialled Wade's number. Wade picked up on the 6th ring.

{italics: Wade
Normal : Mark}

"Hey, Wade."

"Hey Mark, what's up?"

"I need your help."

"what can I do, my friend?"

"I want to propose to Sean. "

"Mark! Do it!"


"Yes! Do it, he's at my house with Bob."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Bye, Mark."


Mark inhaled and exhaled before going into his bedroom. Feeling that Jack was the one, a couple of months ago he'd Already brought a ring but kept it hidden. He checked the ring was still in the box before sliding it into his pocket.

Mark picked up his phone before texting Jack.

{italics: Sean 
Normal : Mark}

'Hey, Sean 😝.'

'oh, hey Markimoooooo😂😄'

'can you come home? I have a surprise 😆✨'

'okay...I'm Leaving now, see You in 10 😶✨'

Around 10 minutes later the front door opened.


Mark heard Jack's voice before inhaling and walking over.

"Hey, Sean..."

Jack smiled and hugged Mark tightly.

"what's up?"

Mark moved back from the hug.

"well, you see, it's been a long time since we first started our relationship, 3 years to be precise, and since then, my world has changed. Changed from being the average world, to One person. You. Right now, I don't think that I'd be able to live a life without you. I want to be With you forever..."

This was the part when Mark knelt infront of Jack and pulled out the box, opening it to show the ring.

"Sean McLoughlin, will you do me the honour of being mine for eternity and marry me?..."

There Was silence before Jack nodded, his voice cracking.


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