New story.

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I hope you're all doing great but I just want to let you know that,
A) this is not a new chapter to the book
B) I have a new story out

Calling it a story is a bit of a lie considering that it's actually happened to me. So I guess it's kind of my personal story?

It's called Just One Night and is about a series of events that happened in the early hours of the morning, to me personally.

Break ups are hard, much harder than I ever thought and if I'm totally honest, I thought by adapting a story to what's happened in my life recently would help me get over the break up more easily ... Is there any logic behind that ahaha?

Anyway, I'd really love it if you guys checked it out, there's one chapter so far and I promise it isn't that long. Drop me a comment or send me a message because I'd love it if any of you had advice on helping me feel better and stuff or, if you too are going through a break up or a bad chapter rn, maybe we could help each other out?

By no means have I lied about anything that's gone on in the chapter and I am definitely not being an attention seeker (before anyone says I am). This is just one of the ways I thought it would help me get over it.

Will probably end up deleting the chapter in an hour anyway aha


Thank you so much for the love and support x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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