Chapter 1

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It's been one year since Tris was shot. Christina has been helping me through my breakdowns.

One year today Tris was here, beside me. One year today Tris took a bullet for her brother. Her brother. I haven't seen Caleb since the incident. Good.

After what happened, I don't think seeing the person that caused Tris' death will help.

Evelyn moved out of my apartment not long ago. She got her own in another building in the city. I visit her often but not too often. I am still getting to know her considering I didn't know her for half of my life.

Christina said that she is going to come in and check on me in thirty minutes. I can't wait. Note the sarcasm.

She has been very protective of me ever since Tris died.

She doesn't spend time with many people, mostly me and Zeke. She doesn't have anybody else. Al killed himself. Will died in the war. Tris died in the Bureau. Uriah died. The only people she has left are me, Zeke and a few others.

Marcus doesn't even remember anything. He doesn't remember beating me to pulp everyday. Doesn't remember me betraying him. Doesn't remember being the leader of Abnegation, getting attacked, my mother, anything. I'm glad. I hope he has a miserable life. He doesn't deserve anyone or anything.

I decide to get out of bed and take a quick shower.

I wear my Dauntless clothes. All black. Just before I close the closet I notice a box. I remember putting some of Tris' stuff in the box. A few of her clothes, combat boots, knives and her gray Abnegation sweater. It's been a while since I have gone through her stuff.

Today I will be zip lining once again. My way of telling Tris I love her and that I always will.

I close the box and put it back in the closet and close it shut. I hear a knock on the door.




I open it after three knocks. Christina and Zeke stand behind the door.

"Hey buddy," Zeke says.

"Hey," I say in response.

"Are you ready for the best day of your life?" He says, a little too hipper.

"Ya, let's get this over with," I say.

I close the door behind me and walk down the hall with Christina on one side of me and Zeke on the other.

The Hancock building is a short train ride away. Two minutes till the train arrives.

Chris and Zeke make silent conversation which I don't bother to get involved in. I just stare into the distance, waiting for the train. The same train which helped us escape. The same train where I shared memories with Tris. Everything reminds me of Tris. I can't get her out of my head.

I push away my thoughts when I see the train in the distance. Chris, Zeke and I get ready to jump. It doesn't take me a lot to jump, I'm use to it. Once I get on, I walk to one side and sit on the floor of the train. It's about a ten minutes in the train to get to the Hancock Building. On the way, I see the Ferris Wheel in Navy Pier. I will never forget that moment, the time when Tris and I scaled the Ferris Wheel. I forgot about everything when I was with her. The only thing I took under consideration was how beautiful she was, brave, strong. She wasn't afraid, she was daring.

I notice the buildings peak, telling us that it will be time to jump. Before I know it, I'm standing outside of the building.

We run to the elevator and get in. Chris jams her thumb into the button taking us to the one hundredth floor. As we continue to go up, I start to feel light headed. I am facing two of my fears at once. Claustrophobia and heights. That's not a good mix. I try not to think.

I don't want to zip line. But I also don't want to seem weak. I have to stay strong. If not for me, then for Tris. I can't let her down, not now, not today.

The wind blows in my face messing up my chocolaty hair.

I watch as Chris stands in front of the railing, looking out at the skyline of Chicago. Knowing me, I don't.

I just wait, wait for Zeke to hook up the harness of the zip line.

"You're up bro," he says, gesturing for me to come forward.

I shake my head 'no' and take a step back instead.

"Pansycake," I hear Chris mutter under her breath.

I look her in the eye, giving her a death glare. She notices and quickly walks towards Zeke.

As if she didn't just insult me, she says, "fine, I'll go first. See you at the bottom, Four. I know you can do it."

"What if I can't?" I question her.

"If you can't do it for yourself, do it for her. Do it for Tris. I know she'd want you to," Christina says matter-of-factly.

I suck in a deep breath and slowly nod. Zeke helps Chris get harnessed on the line.

She tells Zeke that she wants to go face first. I will be doing the same because that's how Tris did it.

Zeke starts to count down, "One... Two..." He doesn't finish. He pushes her and off she goes. "She is going to kill me," he says.

"Yes. Yes she is," I say.

"You're up," he says, popping the 'p'.

I hesitantly walk over to the edge. I don't have a choice. I can't back out now.

"Face first right? That's how Tris went," Zeke says.

Instead of answering I just nod. He helps me into place and before I know it I'm flying. I squint my eyes so I can just barely see.

I can't think, all I can do is scream.

After what feels like hours I see a large board with a red cross. I fiddle to find the lever on my harness and pull. I hear squeaks of the break. It sounds deafening.

I'm only inches away from the board before I come to a complete halt. I see many people bellow me cheering, one of them is Christina. She has a smile planted on her face. Somewhere inside me, I find a smile as well.

Author's Note: Thank you LivingxDreams for hosting a writing contest! I will be entering this story to your contest! I hope you enjoy reading it! Also, good luck to anyone else entering the contest! For more info read LivingxDreams story for the contest! Hope you enjoyed reading this!

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