Chapter 4

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"Koretta!" I shouted one more time but she was out cold now and dad or mom wasn't here they were having dinner so I just put on a brave face and took up my phone and dial 999 it rang once but was answered on the second ring a woman answered the phone

"??-hello goodnight what's your emergency?

Josh~~hello goodnight it's my best friend she just passed out I need

an ambulance fast" and may I add she is epileptic too so if you just send an ambulance right now!"

lady~~calm down please" and what's your best friend name and age please?"

"Josh~~her name his Koretta Desilva and she's 18 years old and the address is 63 Lakeland avenue come quick please I'm really scared that she might die"

lady~~ok it's on the way so, calm down sir it will be there very soon ok"

Josh~~thanks so much and goodbye." And with that, I hang up.

but she was right cause soon the ambulance was here I could hear the sirens it was at the gate coming in the driveway the paramedics came out "I'm Robin "and I'm Kevin two of the paramedics guys said to me "and I'm Josh i reply while i was going in the living room to show them where Koretta was "this is Koretta my best friend while pointing to her but she passed out earlier tonight and she's an epileptic person but that's funny cause I made sure she took her medication tonight though cause I was the one that gave her the water to take her pills with"I said to Kevin and Robin

"so Mr. Hutcherson do you know all of miss Desilva medication names?" Robin asked "no I only know three of her medication names she takes one call Tegretol retard and one call Keppra and the third one is a sleeping pill called phenobarbitol "oh yes and her medication bag is on my couch I just remember "I said so I went to my couch grabbed the bag off my couch and went back to hand it over to Robin and Kevin but they were now in the ambulance so I run out and got in the back with Koretta and Robin was sitting in there with us too "Koretta everything's gonna be just fine" I said while I held her hand and I was now trying my hardest to keep back my tears I guess I couldn't do it anymore tears started washing my face like any waterfall but soon the ambulance reaches the hospital the paramedics took out Koretta and wheeled her to a room where I couldn't go so I was now in the waiting area

oh and I gave Koretta medication bag to the doctor who was running the tests on her to see what caused her to pass out tonight anyway *Sigh* I took out my phone and dial Koretta's house number the phone rang twice but was answered on the third ring

Josh and Mrs. Desilva phone convo:

Patrice~~"hello Josh how are you?

Josh~~hello Mrs. Desilva I'm sorry to say this but Koretta passed out

at mine tonight and I'm at the hospital with her"

Patrice~~ "omg" is she gonna be ok ?" I'm on my way down there Josh I'll be there in a minute"

bye now in a bit"

Josh~~bye cya.

then after we hang up.

soon Mrs. Desilva was here too. "Hey don't look so down Josh Koretta is a strong girl and she's gonna fight whatever is doing this she's gonna come out on top OK," Mrs. Desilva said to me and she was right.


the doctor came walking into the waiting area to us "Mr. Hutcherson and Mrs. Desilva I've got good news and bad news which one would you like to hear first?" the doctor ask us both "the bad news please?" we both said it at the same time" "ok then the bad news is that the pills that Koretta took earlier tonight was not the right pills so unfortunately she's knock out completely and we don't know when she will be awake but the good news is that she'll be awake soon ok the test result shows that she is fine and what causes her to pass out earlier are these pills being too strong for Koretta system ok" "ok then doctor shaw " I said "thank you, god " said Mrs. Desilva. Oh, I know what you must be thinking now (how did I know that the doctor name is shaw?") well I saw his name badge on his white overall...





Title: Bonds of a  genuine  friendship (A Josh Hutcherson love story)Where stories live. Discover now