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After jumping out the window (sorry if you didn't survive) you ran over the Holland's house and rang the doorbell. As she opened it you saw she was completely covered in aparri stuff. She had an aparri shirt, aparri bag, aparri headband etc. "wow fangirl much? Do you have aparri underwear too?" You say jokingly. "I wish" she siad laughing. "I can't believe your mom let you come!" She says. "Yeah she totally let me come! I'm not lying! Don't question me about it because it's not suspicious" you say "k" she says back.

Time skip!!!!! I'm to lazy to write about this anymore! Like I siad in the description don't expect much from me :)

You pulled up to a park that was covered in a bunch of nerdy looking kids. "Oh no I'm in nerd country..." Holland's mom says. "Well I'm the queen!" You say unbuckling your seat belt and running out the car door. "(N) wait up!!!" Holland yells. "The queen waits for no one!" You screamed back. Turning back around, you ran into someone, and like a graceful pelican you fell. Just kidding you fell straight on your face :) "sorry about that.", you grumbled at the kid you ran into, feeling embarrassed. "Hey it's fine, even the queen of the nerds makes mistakes!" He said laughing. Thoughts jumbled around in your head--How did he know I siad that, was he listening to me? Wow stalker much? He is kinda cute though... "Here your highness let me help you up" the cute stalkerish boyish thing says. He puts his hand out and you grabbed it. He pulled you up so hard you nearly fell again. He looked into your eyes and you looked into his. It felt like you where in your own little world and he was the only thing in it. Interrupting the moment holland ran up behind you, wearing her full on aparri fangirl outfit. "Wow you a fan of aparri?" The boy asked. "Yeah who wouldn't be? Are you a fan?" Holland asks. "Yeah I guess you could say that!" The boy says. "(N)! Come on! The famous jammers are about to get on the stage!"holland says excitedly. Idk if they have stages at JAMCON I wasn't there🤓🌵Ok go look for seats! I'll be right there!" You say. "Hey do you want to come sit with us?" You ask the boy. "Sorry I actually have to be somewhere right now sorry." He says "k...ill see you around at JAMCON!" You say a little disappointed. " see you later your highness" he says and bows. You curtsy and walk away. And the you fall of your face, just kidding I'm not that mean :) You tried to resist the urge to turn around and look at him but you couldn't. You turned your head around to take one last look (Who's the stalker now 😉) and he was turned around too looking at you too. You blush and look away. You walk over to your seat next to Holland and the crowd starts cheering. Wow, i guess I am queen of the nerds, you thought Then you heard "WISTERIAMOKOKSKSKSKSNNN!!! OMG JULAIANAIDNMN223882822822!!! NOTICE ME SENIPAISS SKSKSKS!!!!"
You ran over to your seat with holland and began to watch the 'show'. "Where's Aparri, I don't know what he looks like", holland asked me. "How should I know your the one with aparri socks for god sakes" you say jokingly. "Hey isn't that the kid you where talking too earlier?" She asks. You look up and see the the stalker boy that your where talking too earlier. You hear the crowd scream stuff like "APARRI"
Oh my god, so many thoughts where jumbling around in your head, but one stuck out in particular. Senpai noticed me....

Hey guys! I tried it to make this one more serious but it took me forever to write! Comment billow if you want serious or stupid :3 pls let me know thanks!And I'm still pretty sure I spelled SENPAI wrong! But guys lets not forget I'm lazy🤓Ahahahahahhahahahah blah! Anyways byes!!!!

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