Stalker in your windowwww

330 10 8

"What" holland asks. You don't answer, your still staring at the window where you had seen the face just before. "I'll be right back." You say. You grab your phone and run out the door, locking it behind you. You can make out the shape of a kid running in the distance. You needed to figure out who the he/she was and why they were watching you. Soon you were almost caught up to him/her. By this point you could tell it was a boy. You reached out trying to grab his shirt to slow him down, but he switched directions at the last minute and ran toward the street. Your fingers grabbed the air trying to find something to clutch to balance yourself. But it was to late. You fell awkwardly with a sickening crunch. Pain shot up your leg like a lightning bolt. Black spots danced at the edges of you vision. You screamed for help but it was to late. Your head fell backwards as you passed out.

Guys this is literally the shortest chapter ever. I should get an award for the shortest chapter🏆 my goal is to finish this story and then kinda quit wattpad. Idk really. I'm aiming for about 20 -25 chapters? I don't know. But i am definitely going to finish this story🤓


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