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Prompt: "I am five minutes away from saying fuck it and setting it on fire."


     He dragged his fingers through his ragged, inky black hair as he let out a long puff of air. It was cold out, usual for the time of year, but he couldn't stop. His life depended on it, and once you started, you couldn't stop. He chanced a glance at the gi- woman- to his left, then back at the horse-drawn carriage making it's way down the once clear path.

     He moved his head suddenly, signaling to her to crouch behind the underbrush, doing so himself. He glanced through small breaks, watching as the horses came to a stop with a loud neigh. The carriage driver removed himself from the front, muttering something about having told somebody to make sure the path was clear. 

     He turned his head to the left, looking at Vivian once more. She may seem like the picture perfect blonde tavern whore, but she was as thick as, well, a thief. They both were, but she was the mastermind out of the two of them. She was glaring straight ahead, blue eyes glistening with irritation as she let out a whisper, that he's sure would've been a yell had they not been hiding at the time. "I'm five minutes away from saying fuck it and setting it on fire."

     He truly did try to hide his amusement after she said it- he shouldn't find it so funny, so he shook his head and asked, "The carriage, or the poor driver?" He could imagine she wanted to set all of it, and more, on fire. She was quite the spitfire. "Actually... I have an idea..." he moved away carefully, grabbing a branch that wasn't much longer than a stick, but much sturdier. He handed it to her with a quiet, "Light 'em up."

     He watched as she moved further into the forest, a bit father from the path, following his vague instructions. She tossed the flaming branch further into the forest, letting out a loud, high pitched cry, "Help! There's a fire!" He grinned, taking the diversion to move away from the underbrush and into a safer hiding place. 

     It was clear the driver didn't really know what to do in the emergency, but he seemed to have it under control. (He didn't seem to be an idiot. He knew the carriage wouldn't make it over all the logs they'd set out initially.  He watched silently as the driver talked in hurried whispers to the passengers in the carriage, most likely telling them to hurry along and giving them directions out of there.

     He'd waited until they were gone to find Vivian. He figured she mustn't have strayed far, she was a stickler for their rules, so he wandered over to where he'd left her. The fired hadn't died, and it was growing. Thick smoke rose from the fire, but he didn't care. He only worried about her. "Vivian?" He called, hoping for a reply. She wouldn't have gotten herself hurt, would she? She was stronger, and smarter, than that... right?

     He exhaled the breath he didn't know he'd been holding as he dragged his fingers through his hair once more. The crackle of the fire was setting off the flames in his head and the smoke was clogging his airway- but he didn't give up. He turned around, heading back towards the abandoned carriage in hopes she'd went there. The moment he turned his back, he felt something hard land on him. He could smell her, feel her, and hear her giggles, so he propped her up on his back with a shaky intake of air.

     "You had me scared half to death, you know that?" She hummed in response, opting to remain silent for a few moments as they approached the carriage. He let her off his back and onto the ground once they reached it, the tension falling from his shoulders. He glanced in her direction, a simple smile on his face. She was beautiful, and he told her that. He wanted to kiss her.

     So he did. 


A/N: So, I'm a bit off on the days. I had to go grocery shopping and spend some time with my sisters on Friday, which threw everything off. I plan on getting back on track today by writing the new prompt today along with posting this one. Anyways, enjoy this little bit and don't forget to show your love! (If you love it, that is, if not *shrug*

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