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Literally Illiterate
Prompt #1 | That's what they said
"I would rather be set on fire than listen to you anymore."
Word count: 578


The room was warm. It was also dark. The only light in the room was coming from the fireplace, where a soft orange glow flickered. They were cold. Amelia was tucked safely into Layla's side, her head resting on her girlfriend's shoulder. Despite the chill that Layla felt, she was warm to the touch. So, Amelia pressed closer. Layla's dark hair tickled Amelia's face every time she shifted, but Amelia didn't care. She only cared for Layla and warmth, currently.

Layla may have felt warm, but Amelia didn't. Usually, she wouldn't complain, but currently, Amelia's cold skin was pressing against her. She was already cold without her girlfriend adding to it. "Amelia."

If Amelia heard her girlfriend, she didn't show it. In fact, the only thing she did do, was move a little closer. Almost as if she knew what she was about to say. Layla tries again.


This time, Amelia shifts so she can lift her chin and look Layla in the eyes. Soft, innocent green eyes met Layla's icy blues. Amelia wasn't deterred, though. In fact, her lips quirk upwards into an innocent smile. "Yes, Layla?"

When her eyes flutter, Layla knows Amelia is messing with her. Her act is seemingly too innocent; too angelic. Layla responds anyways. She's too cold to let her girlfriend continue to press up against her like this. "I'm cold."

As soon as Amelia's angelic smile turns into a grin, Layla knew what was coming. She braces herself, unintentionally bringing her girlfriend closer. "Hi, Cold! I'm Amelia."

Layla groaned, her head dropping until her chin touched the top of Amelia's. Her eyes fluttered shut and she stayed like that for a moment; silent and unmoving.It was only once Amelia's snickering quieted that Layla spoke again.

"You're incorrigible."

"I know."

Silence fell between the two after that. Amelia was still pressed against Layla. The fire was warm, but did little to help their situation. Layla was shivering at this point, making Amelia a bit uncomfortable.


This time, it was the raven-haired girl's turn to feign innocence. She knew she was shivering, and she also knew why. It was cold. Amelia was cold. Her skin felt a icy as Layla's eyes looked.

"Yes, Amelia?"

For the second time that night, their eyes met. Amelia was pouting. Her green eyes were wide as she mustered up the best puppy dog look Layla had ever seen.

The ice in her eyes melted. The ice in her veins was another story.

"You're shivering..." Amelia's voice was light, but pleading.

"I'm aware."

That's all it took to bring Amelia's smile back. There was mischief in her eyes. Layla knew what was coming.

"Hi, Aw-" Layla covered her ears, blocking out the rest of what her blonde girlfriend had to say.

"Amelia, I love you, but I'd rather set myself on fire than listen to you anymore."

Amelia only snickered before getting up and heading away, probably to grab a blanket.

Silence settled between them again, not breaking even when Amelia returned. The fire crackled and popped as the crisp air hit it, brushed towards the flames when they fanned the blanket to cover them.

They cuddled together under the wool covers, clinging to any and all warmth they could find. They laid together, cozy and quiet, until the crackling fire lulled them to sleep.


A/N: It's been a while, yeah? Literally Illiterate took a way too long break, but we're back now! I'm still behind on old and new prompts, but I finished this one, so here it is!

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