8/2/16 and 8/4/16

16 0 0

Prompts: "It's 2am and you're deciding you want to go on an adventure now?" and "Stop coming in through my window. There's literally a door right there."

# of Words: 933


     Rebecca wasn't sure why, but Casey always had a habit of climbing in through the fire escape. They lived in the same apartment building, which is why she always wondered why her friend felt the need to climb in through the window rather than take the elevator. Then again, she's known Casey for years now, and if she's learned anything about her, it was that adventure was her calling. Whether that was a good or bad thing, there was no changing it.

     There was also no avoiding Casey when she was banging on her window. Rebecca only let out a heavy sigh, drawing her blonde hair over her shoulder as she made her way over to the window that was currently being abused. She tugged the window open, the first words out of her mouth being "Stop coming in through my window. There's literally a door right there." as she gestured in the direction of the wooden door and moved out of the way to let her friend inside.

     "Where's the fun in that?" She'd asked, head tilting and blue eyes gleaming with mischief. Rebecca only shrugged, having no other answer to the rhetorical question. She quickly busied herself with getting her friend situated, ushering her further into the apartment and down the hall, towards her room. 

     She was in full hostess mode, questions falling from her mouth at a quick pace, wanting to get her friend settled down. "Are you hungry? Do you need anything to drink? Oh, you can set you bag down there!" She moved around the room, quickly cleaning up the messes she'd never gotten around to. 

     "Becca, chill," Casey muttered, setting a hand on each shoulder to hold her in place. "No, I am not hungry. No, I am not thirsty. Now chill. It's like..." she paused to twist her head and check the clock on the bedside table. "It's 10, which means we sleep." Rebecca took a deep breath in, nodding slowly. 

     "Do you need a blanket?" All Casey could do in reply was fix her with a displeased glare. 


     Rebecca grunted as she felt two hands shake her awake. She shoved them away weakly, huffing. Casey frowned, continuing her attempts to awake her friend. "Rebecca," she whined, shoving her once again. "I wanna go on an adventure!"

     Rebecca opened a single eye, glancing at the clock out of the corner of her eye, her voice sounding tired as she replied. "It's 2 a.m. and you want to go on an adventure now?" Casey jumped to her feet, holding out her hand for her friend to grab, shrugging in a wordless reply. "You're lucky I love you, Casey." Rebecca's voice was ragged, the heavy sleep weighing her voice down, as well as her body.

     When Rebecca was about to go into her closet to find clothes that would suit any sort of 'adventure' Casey would want to go on, her friend only shook her head, pointing at a stack of clothes on the nightstand. Of course she would already have the outfit chosen, Rebecca thought. Always one step ahead of the game.

     The adventure started with climbing out the window. Closing it once she was outside of it proved to be a hassle, but together they got the job done. They both sighed, Casey's out of regret for leaving her jacket inside and Rebecca's out of the effort she'd just put forth. "You know, after all that work, I'm disappointed with myself. Not only did I let you leave your jacket inside, I left my keys inside, too."

     Casey's only response was a heavy groan as she threw her head back. Rebecca smirked, though she couldn't really find anything funny rather than the reaction. Casey's ragged voice voice sounded once again. "I like the idea of breaking back into your apartment. It sounds adventurous."

     Rebecca's tired smile was all Casey got in return before she dashed off.


     "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Rebecca whisper-yelled at Casey. Casey only waved her off. 

     "Yes, I'm sure. Do you have a bobby pin?" Rebecca shrugged, pulling the required item from her hair and handing it Casey. How adventurous, Rebecca thought. Breaking back into my apartment at two A.M. with nothing but a bobby pin and my best friend. 

     She was startled from her thoughts by a small click and a cheer. Rebecca whipped her head to the side, looking towards the now open door. She did know what she was doing. Casey was grinning from ear to ear and it was easier for Rebecca to match her face than to act impassive. 

     She had her adventure- now it's time for mine, Rebecca thought, glancing at Casey from the corner of her eye. She grasped her friend's wrist and gave a firm tug to drag her friend into the room and closing the door behind her. "I wasn't kidding when I said I loved you."


     For a relationship that started at 2 A.M., it turned out alright.




A/N: Sorry for how late this update is. I've been working on different stories sporadically and it's got me all sorts of messed up! Not to mention, school has been crazy. I have an idea for a completely new story, but I might make it short and use it for one of the prompts... I haven't decided yet. Anyways, enjoy this wonderfully gay update!

Literally Illiterate Writing PromptsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ