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Prompt: I own a taxi and this is the third time in a week that you've jumped in and said "Follow that car." I'm not taking you anywhere until you tell me what the heck you're doing and why.

# of words: 697


      The whole taxi thing was just a big excuse to keep an eye on him. I generally just follow him around, a safe distance away, but occasionally I'll have to stop for someone to get in. I'm usually pretty cool with it, but this dude has gotten in for the third time now. The first time, I was fine with it. He'd simply told me to follow the car I'd been following all day. I could do that. I wasn't as worried about it as I should've been. 

     The second time I was more cautious. I wasn't about to accuse him of murder or tag teaming with the criminal I'm keeping eyes on, but I definitely wasn't about to let him go like this. I'd asked him why and he'd only given me a shrug, so I'd brushed it off.

     Three strikes and he's out. I'd pulled over to let him in and the first thing he'd said after buckling up was a quick, unsurprising, "Follow that car." He pointed towards the car I'd been following the entire time again. 

     I turned in my seat to face him, irritated. "I don't know who you are, but I'm not taking you anywhere until you tell me what the heck you think you're doing and why." He had the audacity to shrug his shoulders and signal to the road. "Fine. No answer, no car chase."

     He only sighed, fixing me with blue eyes that were dull with obvious irritation. "Look, Princess. This is very important, so if you could put the car in drive and step on it, it'd appreciate it." This man was seriously grating on my nerves, and I definitely wasn't going to allow him to step on me. 

     "Gonna have to try better than that," I sassed, leaning back in the chair and crossing my arms. I continued to watch him from the review mirror, gauging his reaction. He remained silent, crossing his arms. I let out a huff, "At least tell me your name. I need something to give to the police if it turns out you murdered the person in that car."

"Nathaniel Jackson. Now, step on it will you?" I sighed before the lights in my head turned on. He was the other undercover cop. I wonder why we hadn't run into each other at work... I shook my head, quickly putting the car into drive and taking off.

"I'm Dianne Rhodes, by the way. Should've just flashed your badge; could've saved us both some time."


It took a month to finally dig up enough evidence on the man. Nathaniel- or Nathan- had made the undercover work interesting. Each time we played as the cute couple, interested in things only the man could give, it was seamless, without flaw.

Even I was fooled.


When the next undercover mission came up, we were paired up again. I should've been professional. I should've been a lot of things. Cautious, careful, and so much more.

When things went wrong and he'd been shot at, I was ready. I'd taken the bullet. I'd felt the pain- so much pain... But then I saw black.


This time I was confused. There was a throbbing in my shoulder, a weight in my hand, a persistent beeping in one ear, and gentle snores in the other. The fog cleared, and I remembered. I remembered literally taking the bullet for him. I glanced at my bedside, where he rested. I remembered him coming in while I was half awake, in a drug induced haze, telling me he was sorry.

I mostly remembered the shared feelings- and how he kisses.




A/N: Well, here is one hella late prompt. Just putting my late night inspiration into some late night writing. Enjoy this hella small baby bit! Until the next update! Adieu~

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