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Prompt: Write this story: After meeting him for the first time in ten years, her words to him were short and sweet. "I win." 

Italicized parts of the story are flashbacks to high school years~

# of words: 2743 (2803 if you include words outside the story)


      Elizabeth knew the reunion was coming up. The letter came up in the mail days ago, and frankly, she was terrified. She didn't have a good reason to be scared, but the point remains.  She had about... three hours to get herself together. She was going, she'd come to that conclusion when she'd gotten the memo, but she still wasn't prepared. She didn't move out of state (or city), so all she'd have to do was drive over there, but she wasn't mentally on top of things, currently. 

     She briefly wondered if her old high school friends were going. She was still in contact with a few, but this wasn't a movie. The clique didn't survive everything. She missed them, but she knew they all had lives. She knew Natasha and John made it big. She had no qualms about looking them up on Google. Google knows all.

     Google seemed to know that she should get off the internet, seeing as it decided to crash in that moment. She let out a heavy sigh, pushing the chair back as she stood. She figured now was as good a time as any to actually get better for the reunion. She wasn't going to go there looking like a raccoon. 


     She glanced up at the all too familiar school, sighing. She'd missed her friends, sure, but she did not miss this. She hated the nervous butterflies that fluttered in her stomach, but refused to go away. At least she didn't have to worry about being weighed down by work until after they got settled. 

     She briefly wondered if she'd be the first at their little table again, or if one of them would finally beat her there. As she approached the table, she realized that, not only was she the first once again, she'd been the first one there since they'd claimed it as "their spot". She wouldn't rub it in their faces too much. Just a bit.

     She watched as the other students began streaming into the courtyard, her stomach churning with pent up anticipation. She wasn't excited for classes, but she was more than excited to see her friends again. They didn't get along all the time, but they did most of the time. She wondered what her friends did to their hair, seeing as they usually get it cut during the summer. 

     Her thoughts were broken by a series of loud squeals coming from behind her.  She whipped around just in time for two pairs of very, very pale arms to wrap around her. She squirmed in their grasp, feigning lack of air as she jokingly choked out, "Lily, Veronica, please. I need air."

     They both let out heavy, dramatic sighs as they released her. The first thing she noticed post being released was that Veronica was back to being blonde. The blonde's hair was down, flowing in perfect curls that Elizabeth could only dream of having. (Truth is, she didn't dream about having perfect curls. No thanks. She wasn't a girly girl.) 

     Elizabeth also happened to notice that Lily's hair was much shorter. While it once reached about her hips, it was now just past her shoulders, falling in loose waves. She had no problem pointing out the changes in their looks.

     Tyler was the next to arrive, all charm as he encircled Lily in his grasp, resting his chin on the top of her head. Elizabeth only grinned like the shipping trash she was, mumbling a quiet hello to the tall basketball player.

     Sam came next, and she had to pray to every God that she wasn't blushing when he sent a teasing wink her way. She wasn't immune to his good looks, nor did she want to be. She had a major crush on him, but she knew better than to act out on it.

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