Episode 1: Before

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"hello, tyler."

"No! Leave me alone!" Tyler shouted at the voice in the darkness.

"i'd never do that to you, tyler," the voice said as it chuckled.

"No, go away! Stop hurting me!" Tyler screamed at the voice. His screams started to turn into sobs.

The voice was whispering to him now, whispering threats, and the sounds surrounded Tyler. He couldn't tell which direction it was coming from.

Slowly, Tyler could feel the voice getting closer to him. He was in total darkness, so he couldn't see it, but he could feel it's presence, which made him sick to his stomach.

The whispering stopped, and there was a terrifying silence that seemed to last for eternity.

A million thoughts raced through Tyler's mind, thinking about what was going to happen next. He couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't do anything. All he could do was wait.

Tyler waited another eternity for something to happen. Then, suddenly, Tyler's heart dropped and his knees felt weak as he felt breathing on the back of his neck.

Tyler shot up in bed.

He had woken up.

It was just a dream...

Tyler knew that, since he had it every night.

He realized that this one was different, though. He woke up before anything bad happened to him. That doesn't usually happen.

"Something must have saved me," he thought. A small grin crept up on his face at the thought of this. He just shook the thought out of his head, since for some reason he thought it wasn't true. He figured something outside woke him up.

I wanted to tell him so bad that it was me, I saved him. I woke him up before anything bad happened to him. I wanted to tell him that I'm his guardian angel. I wanted to prove to him that I was real so bad, but I couldn't. I don't even think he knew that I existed, he thought that I was a figment of his imagination or something. He had seen me a few times before, whenever he got in trouble. I wasn't allowed to show myself to him when I wasn't saving him, though.

Oh, well.

I kept silent as I listened to Tyler's thoughts.

He was thinking about the song playing in his head. It was a happy-sounding song with sad lyrics, so he wasn't quite sure whether he should feel happy or sad.

I listened as Tyler relayed the lyrics in his head.

She asked me, son, when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me....

As soon as Tyler decided to get up, the song changed to a very obnoxious song, which obviously made him annoyed. It was fitting since he wasn't keen on getting out of bed.

I heard Tyler repeating the lyrics in his head as he processed them.

Then you can wear my sweatshirt...

Tyler quickly tried to ignore the song, since he hated when these five-year-olds practically squealed in his ear every morning. (I can confirm that it was very annoying.)

As the morning wore on, and Tyler woke up a little bit more, the radio changed the songs from something annoying, then to calm and relaxed, to something happy.

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