Episode 7: Coming Home

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{Tyler's POV}

I was walking down this long road. It was like one of those cliché roads in Arizona or something. The ones where you have to have to hitch a ride if you don't want to walk for days on end.

I actually did walk for days on end, but the road just keeps going on and on and on. And I guess if I don't want to die or something, I'll have to hitch a ride.

I waited for probably 2 hours for someone to come by, but then I realized that no one would even think about picking me up anyway, since I was still in my orange jumpsuit. I didn't have anything underneath by jumpsuit except for my underwear, so right now I'm pretty much screwed. My only real option is to try and cut up my jumpsuit and maybe roll around in some mud in an attempt to make it look normal.

That seemed like the best way to go, so I started looking around for these sharp slate-like rocks that seemed to be everywhere. I found one near the road, and it was actually very sharp. I learned that the hard way because I cut my hand on it and I got blood all over my jumpsuit and now it looks like I murdered someone. Ugh.

Now I'm convinced I have the worst luck ever, because as I was trying desperately not to bleed on my jumpsuit, a semi-truck started to come up behind me. They're going to see me in an orange jumpsuit covered in blood and they're going to call the police and I'm going to go back to jail with no guardian angel.

To my surprise, though, the semi-truck started to slow down and it stopped right beside me. The driver opened the passenger side door and just looked at me.

I wasn't really thinking when I blurted out, "the fuck you lookin' at?"

"You, dumbass," he said.

"Move along," I said, still not thinking.

"No, not until I know you're story."

"My story?"

"Yeah, y'know, what were you in for, how'd you escape, stuff like that."

"Why the fuck would you want to know that? I could be a murderer for all you know. You're not even the slightest bit worried?"


"Well, why not?!"

"Because you look like a string bean, and besides, I'm a retired Marine, I know how to kill you in so many ways. Now get in before I change my mind."

He practically dragged me into the truck. He closed the door behind me and started to drive off. What was funny was, I didn't trust him, not the other way around.

"So, you didn't answer me," he said.


"Tell me your story."

I just looked at him, shocked. I was so confused.

"Tell me or I'll kick you out right now."

"Okay okay! So... do you want to know everything?"

"Yes, everything."

After three hours of talking, I had finally told him everything. I told him about my guardian angel and I explained everything I did in detail. I even told him about my radio.

He had to've thought I was crazy. I mean, who else has a radio in their head? Maybe he thought I meant that I get songs stuck in my head, and I'm one of those people who say things weirdly. Like instead of saying parachute, saying something like air catcher.

I looked at the guy, trying to see what he thought. He just looked at me and said," okay," then kept driving.

"Why did you even want to know that stuff?"

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