Episode 5: White Noise

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I'm screaming for you....


....I'm in Tyler's realm, not my own. He had somehow pulled me back with him to his reality.

He said a quiet, "you're real," then pulled in for a tight hug. He started crying tears of joy.

After a few more moments of hugging, he pulled back and said, "we have to get out of here....."


Tyler was dragging me through the halls by my wrist. I don't think he knew where he was going, but he would never admit that. We were cutting through hoards of other prisoners. They didn't seem to notice a guy with red hair walking by them that wasn't wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Tyler still held me by the wrist when we reached the place where Tyler first came into the prison, the long hallway leading to the processing room. When we were about to walk down the hallway, two guards started to come towards us, so we hid on either side of the hallway. At that moment, we were greeted with a familiar sound -- one of Tyler's favorite songs, White Noise by PVRIS.

We waited for the guards to reach the end of the hall. Meanwhile, Tyler and I were staring at each other, like we were trying to communicate mentally or something.

As soon as the guards reached the end of the hall, Tyler and I attacked them. I took my guard out almost immediately, but Tyler was still trying to knock his out. (What'd you expect? He's a small bean.)

Eventually, Tyler was successful. Then, he started to search the unconscious guards for anything we could use. Tyler found a set of keys on one, so we took those and their batons.

We went to the gate that kept us from going into the processing room. We tried to see if there was a key on the set of keys we got that would open the gate, but there was probably over 20 keys on the chain, so I waited while Tyler tried different keys.

In the meantime, some other inmates came up to us. They just gave us the sup nod and waited with me for Tyler to open the gate. The inmates just made him nervous and take more time with the keys.

He finally found the right key and we went into the processing room. We were only a few steps away from escaping the prison. Suddenly, some sort of lockdown procedure was activated and a heavy door started to close in on the entrance to the prison.

Tyler and I ran towards the door, and we slid under it before it could close completely. Tyler just looked at me and said, "that was badass."

We ran towards this truck that was parked near the entrance. Tyler got in the driver's side and I got in the passenger's side. There were no keys in sight that could start the truck, so I looked at Tyler with a tense look. He just gave me a grin and leaned down in the truck. Next thing I know, the engine started. Since when down Tyler know how to hotwire a car?

Tyler started to drive as he sang, sorry, screamed to the song.

I'm speaking, can you hear me? I'm screaming for you....

Tyler was driving through the prison compound trying the find the way out. He kept glancing over at me and smiling. He kept thinking things like, "you're actually real," and, "dang, he's a lot cuter than I thought he would be." I don't think he knows that I can hear his thoughts.

At that moment, Tyler started to floor it when he saw the gate that led to the outside world. He rammed it with the truck and luckily, we were able to break through.

Tyler had the widest smile on his face. Even though he hadn't been in prison that long, he hated it, and he was glad to be out. So, to celebrate, he sang.

A brand-new face on your pillowcase. Come the night, you dim the lights and close the blinds, but I still see them running down your spine. 'Cause I illuminate the room just enough to watch you...

Tyler and I reached a road by a cliff and decided to ditch the truck. We got out and I watched as Tyler ran the truck off the cliff. He just looked at me and said, "that was badass."

We started to walk away when we heard sirens and helicopters coming in our direction. We ran down the road and hid in some thick foliage. SWAT trucks zoomed past us on the road and helicopters buzzed overhead. They couldn't have just been looking for us, right?

We waited for them to pass by before we got up. We decided to cut through a forest to try and avoid them.

The forest was super eerie. It was completely silent -- until it was filled with the sounds of Tyler's singing.

I'm speaking, can you hear me? I'm screaming for you. Sick of the lack of signal, sick of lack of touch, sick of the static voice, it's not enough, it's not enough. Baby, it's hard to be just what you need when all I speak are static screams....

Just then, a helicopter flew overhead, but we had nowhere to hide. We just hid behind a tree and prayed it didn't see us.

We waited for practically eternity. We tried so hard not to be noticed with what he had. But the helicopter had a spotlight, and they were scanning the whole forest. We held our breaths as the spotlight got closer and closer to us, until finally, it was overtop of us. We closed our eyes because of how bright it was, but when we opened them, we found the spotlight hadn't moved on. It was still on us, and we realized the helicopter had spotted us.

At this point, I think we were running faster than we did in the prison. But, the helicopter was faster. It just followed us through the woods. Nothing else could get to us from where we were, but something about the helicopter was scary. Something about the spotlight on us gave us an adrenaline rush. I guess that helps when you're on the run and go. (I'm sorry I had to do it)

To our surprise, a voice came from the helicopter through its speakers. The voice was demanding that we stop. I guess Tyler freaked out a little, because he screamed to the song as we ran.

...Suffocating. I'm breathing. I'm speaking, can you hear me.....

We reached a part of the woods where the trees were thicker, and we were able to lose the helicopter. We stopped to take a rest, and Tyler practically fell on the ground because of how tired he was.

Then, my eyes started glowing yellow. I looked up at the sky, and it was yellow, too. I knew what this meant -- this meant that my boss was calling me. That also meant that I would have to leave Tyler all alone. I couldn't tell him I was leaving, or else he wouldn't let me go. So, I just disappeared behind him, and he didn't even know. (my rhyming game is strong)

Tyler went through so much trouble to see me, and now I'm leaving him. Oh man, he's never going to forgive me for this.

All I speak are static screams...

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