Episode 6: Only a Memory

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My lie will drown out all of yours....

"You were in the humans' realm past your time limit. You know we have zero-tolerance, so your contract with us is being termina--"

"But wait! I didn't really have a choice."

"What do you mean, 'you didn't have a choice?'"

"I mean, the human I'm protecting, well....he's the one, sir."

"Are you being serious?"

"Yes I--"

"Oh my, this is marvelous! You must bring him to me! You'll be greatly rewarded."

"Uhm...okay. What are you going to do with him? if you don't mind my asking?"

"Oh, we're just going to find out what's so special about him and why my ancestors worshipped him."

I know what that means. They're going to practically dissect him. I can't let that happen to Tyler. I can't bring him to my boss.

{Tyler's POV}

I was so out of breath. I was laying face-down on the ground for practically ten minutes, just panting. Finally, I turned around to talk to....him, whatever his name is.

"Hey, so--"

He wasn't there. I looked around the forest. We wasn't anywhere. He left again. He was real, right? I mean, I saw him, I touched him. He has to be real. Oh God, please tell me he's real. Please tell me he'll come back.

"he will never come back, tyler."

"Yes he will! Shut up!"

"that's where you're wrong. he would never come back to a worthless piece of shit."

"I'm not worthless..."

"yes you are, and it's about time you realize that. you're not important, if you killed yourself, no one would care, no one would notice."

"No, you're wrong. If I died, no one would care because I committed a crime, and no one would notice because I'm alone in the woods where no one will see me. None of it would be because I'm worthless."

"okay, you keep telling yourself that."

I tried desperately to block him out. Luckily, my little radio was on my side today. It started playing one of my favorite songs: Only a Memory by Icon For Hire.

I started to walk aimlessly through the woods. I was trying to focus on the music, and not that stupid voice in my head. We was wrong, completely wrong. My guardian angel will come back. I know he will. He wouldn't just leave me, right? He's probably has his reasons. Okay, hold on, my part's coming up.

I can't help but close my eyes for life...

"yes, close your eyes for forever."

"Shut up."

"ha! never!"

That when I wake, I won't be so exhausted, and I'll stop with my pretending...

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