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~Addi pov~

Josh and I decided to go back to my place and gather the thing I'll need for tour.

I still can't believe I'm going on tour with my boyfriend Josh Dun. Excited is an understatement.

At least this way I can make sure he doesn't get drunk, and if he does he doesn't have sex with some random girl.

Who knows maybe I'll finally lose my virginity over tour. I mean Josh knows I'm still a virgin. I told him when he found me at Big Petes. Although now that I think about it Josh never told me if he was a virgin.

"Hey Joshy?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Are you a. Like what I'm trying to say is. Josh are remember when we were in Big Petes and we talked about sex?"

"Addi if your trying to ask if I'm a virgin, the answer is no."

"Oh okay. Cool." I was a little upset that he was but at the same time not because if we did have sex he wouldn't be inexperienced.

"Look I don't want that to be something that comes between us."

"No of course not I'm kind of glad you aren't."

"You are?"

"Yeah cause then I won't be so scared and you know what to do."

"Are you saying you want to have sex?"

"Well not now but there will be days on tour when we wont have to do anything so I think we should."

"Addi are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes Josh I love you and wouldn't want to do it with anyone else."

"So it's settled. Prepare for the Josh." He began to lean forward and kiss me. It was passionate but nothing serious. I was finally going to lose my virginity and to someone I love. Things are looking up for us.

A/N: Thanks for 2k reads on my last story it means a lot. Also I'm already at half a thousand on this one which is incredible. Love you all. Comment/Vote!

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