Chapter 21 - Not Again

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This is the fourth man this week that you've fallen asleep on!

And it's only Wednesday!

"Morning, Miss Granger, I thought we said we weren't going to do this?" A roused voice groaned in her ear, as they slowly rolled away from each other.

"We didn't," Hermione explained, "it would be inappropriate for a student and teacher to share a bed. As far as I am aware, you took the sofa."


Breakfast was awkward. She sat at the Slytherin table next to Malfoy, while everyone was asking about her great feat of bravery. She, however, was not in the mood for tales. Draco happily filled in all the blanks for the table, while she pushed her breakfast around her plate. Snape hadn't taken his eye off of her since breakfast began, and it was making her uneasy.

At least it was slept on, not slept with.

On, next to, beside, it was like a sleep over. You've had loads of those with Ginny, how is this any different?

"We're going to be late for Ancient Runes," a boy interrupted her train of thought, "I want to see what you were thinking we could do to Professor Babbling."

Shit, I forgot about that.


When they arrived, Babbling was outside, leaning on the door to keep it closed. "The hellhound, it's back." She was frozen, not thinking well enough to alert another member of staff.

Everyone looked to Hermione. Draco had made her seem like an indestructible hero and now she had a role to play. Dear Merlin, I hope this is you, Sirius, she thought, sweeping through the crowds and opening the classroom door.

Luckily enough, it was.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?! Can you not just act like a normal person for once? Perhaps try to keep everything relatively secretive?" With every attempt he made to approach her, she backlashed, pushing him away. "You waltz around like you own the place, but you don't. I'm trying to live my life, I thought I could do that with you, but I'm not so sure. I took a risk, I didn't think it through, and now I'm caught in this situation. I don't even know you that well and we're engaged." Suddenly conscious that people were probably listening, she paused, lowering her voice, as she bent down to pet him. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just... everything's just been getting too much lately. I haven't had time to deal... I've lost most of my friends, and befriended what I thought was the enemy... I've been sleeping with Remus and Draco and Snape and I just... I'm sorry." Her head was in her hands out of shame. "I don't know what's been getting into me lately but I shouldn't be taking it out on you. Forgive me."

Affection warmed her neck as he nestled his face into her shoulder. "Thank you," she breathed, "now if you don't mind, I-"

"What's going on in there?" A Slytherin boy intruded. "Did you kill it?"

"You can't just ask that," his Ravenclaw friend corrected.

"It's ok," Hermione established. "Tell Professor Babbling not to worry, her class can continue as usual."

"Granger," the same Slytherin boy continued, entering the room, (Hermione recognised him as Draco's friend), "I knew you'd do something good, but Babbling is so freaked out..." He shook his head in disbelieve. "You should have started hanging out with us sooner. You've officially joined the ranks of troublemakers." At that comment, she felt something rub hard against the side of her leg. It was Sirius's shoulder.

"Hermione did it, you guys," the Slytherin said as the class re-entered, "again." The boy sat next to his hero. "So where is it?"

Stealthily, she looked under her table. "I've tamed him. He's mine now."


Upon leaving an eventful Ancient Runes lesson, Hermione reached under her table, leading her fiancé casually out of the classroom. No one said a word, too horrified to do anything but stare. It was obvious people were going to discover at some point (he was never going to stop following her), so it was now about the best was of them finding out. She had planned to spend her free period in the library, but she knew she couldn't get away with that, so she headed for the dungeons instead.

"Can I get everyone's attention, please," she demanded as she entered the common room. "As you all know, I had an incident involving a hellhound last night. I have chosen to adopt said hellhound, so if you see him roaming around, please don't be alarmed. He doesn't bite unless you threaten him." She then wandered off, perching herself on Draco's bed, opening up her copy of Portland's Premonition Potion, as if there wasn't a savage killing machine napping on her leg.


Doing her best to avoid Snape's glaring eyes, Hermione ate her lunch silently. Leaving early, she made her way to the library. On the way, she bumped into Remus. His clothes were more dishevelled than usual, his eyes were raw, and he was limping, fumbling, stumbling down the corridor.

"Oh Remus," she dropped her books and ran to him, supporting him as he walked. "Time of the month?" He nodded, grievously, through gritted teeth. "That make two of us, then," she smirked, lightened the mood, trying to make him forget his monthly woes.

"I know. I can smell you. Wolf senses. I can also smell what you had for breakfast. I know you've seen Sirius recently, and... Snape spent the night on the sofa." The girl looked confused. "His scent's too strong on you for it just to be the smell of his sofa," he explained. "Though, come to mention it," he smelled her a little closer, "I don't think even his bed would be that strong-"

"You need rest. You're not thinking straight." They had reached his room. "Sit down, I'll make you a cuppa." She helped lower him into his chair.

"You're going to miss your lesson." He looked apologetically at his carer.

"I don't really want a NEWT in History Of Magic. You're giving me an excuse not to attend. I'm not leaving you," she handed him a steaming mug.

"And what about my lesson?"

"Oh, you're in no shape to be teaching a lesson," she said, pausing to think of a solution. "I'll cover it for you. The first year's won't even notice you're gone."

"I appreciate the offer, I really do, but-"

"Hermione," Sirius nosed his head, no longer a dog, out of Remus's room. "I just realised what you said. You said Snape. You said you slept with Remus, Draco and Snape. Snape. As in Snivellus bloody Snape?"

"I don't recall saying that, no," Hermione swung herself round toward her accuser. "Where ever did you hear such poppycock?"

"Remus, I get. He's adorable. Draco, I understand. He's your new friend. But Snivellus Snape? You've got to be joking."

"I haven't slept with any of those men," she crumpled her eyebrows.

"Especially not me," Remus jumped it, almost offended at the accusation, but still pleased he was described as 'adorable'.

"I said 'on', not 'with'. Or that's what I meant anyway. Do you not trust me? What happened to being your woman?"

"It's a little hard to deny when you stay stuff like that. Oh, and you dropped these." He'd picked up the books she dropped outside of the library. "You've got a lesson to get to, Professor. Don't be late."

"Oh, shut up," she said, fiddling with the invisible ring on her finger. An invisibility charm was one of the best ideas she'd had the previous night, but she knew the engagement wasn't going to last long as a secret.

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