A Day Off Gone Bad

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"Honestly fuck off Nishio." Said Touka.
"Okay bitch whatever you want." Said Nishio.
"What did you call me?!" Asked Touka.
"B to the i to the t to the c to the h." Said Nishio.
"Well you can take that gay little song and shove it up your-"
"Mmm you look hotter when you're angry." Said Nishio.
"Oh really?" I asked and fluttered my eyelashes.
"Yeah." He said. Then I smiled and punched him in the stomach. Touka laughed and high fived me.
"Hey Satsuki." Said Manager.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Take the day off." He said.
"What?! Really??" I asked.
"Yeah take a walk or something." He said.
"Thank you so much!" I said. I ran out the door with my uniform on and everything. When I passed an alley I felt like someone was watching me but I just ignored it. I passed Ryoko and Hinami on my walk. At some point I had traveled into an alley. It was empty. As I was walking I heard footsteps but realized they were mine. I stopped just to make sure. Wow, was I so wrong. I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. It felt like the walls of the alley were closing in. I started backing up until I ran into something. I took a deep breath and turned around. It was a boy with purple hair.
"Anteiku, huh?" He asked circling me.
"Y-yes." I said.
"So you work with Touka Kirishima?" He asked.
"Yes." I said.
"What's your kagune type?" He asked.
"R-rinkaku." I said.
"What do you call yourself?" He asked.
"Monster." I said.
"You got a mask?" He asked.
"It's in the works." I said. Then he stopped circling me. He faced towards me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"I'm Ayoto. When your mask is done call this number and we'll meet up." He said. He handed me a slip of paper then jumped up the walls, and out of the alley. Ayato? Why did I know that name? More importantly, how did he know Touka? He was clearly a ghoul due to the blood in his mouth and on his face. I decided not to tell anyone because it didn't bother me that much. I was walking out of the alley when my phone started ringing. It was Kaneki.
"Satsuki, get back to Anteiku right now! No time to explain." He said and hung up. I started running back to Anteiku because this was clearly an emergency. When I got there I ran straight to the back room. That's where everyone was.
"Please have a seat Satsuki." Said Manager. So I sat down beside Irimi. "We all gathered here because Hinami's mother Ryoko has been killed by investigators."
"WHAT?!" Asked Touka.
"But however we will not be going after the investigators. It's too much of a risk and it's pointless." Said Manager.
"Touka please j-"
"NO! I AM GETTING REVENGE NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!" She yelled. She walked out of the room.
"Crazy bitch." Nishio muttered.

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