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"I have your mask, but where's Touka?" Asked Uta.
"A few days ago she got revenge on the investigators and got injured so she's taking a break." I said.
"Oh. Well here's your mask!" He said and handed me it. It looked like Kaneki's mask without the eyepatch.
"Uta it looks like Kaneki's." I said.
"I know but it doesn't have an eyepatch. I thought it was good for your vibe. Don't you like it?" He asked.
"Oh I love it." I said.
"I'm glad." He said.
"Thanks Uta." I said and hugged him.
"You're welcome." He said. "I have to go but, see you around?"
"Yep. See ya." I said. As he walked out I rushed to my room in the back and scavenged for the piece of paper in my drawer. I pulled out my phone and dialed the number on the piece of paper. When it finally started ringing I heard Ayato's voice.
"Hello?" He said.
"It's Monster I have my mask." I said.
"Excellent. Meet me in the same alley we met in." He said. Then he hung up. I rushed to the alley as fast as I could. When I got there, there he was. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. The outfit was plain but he seemed to make it amazing.
"Ah, Monster! There you are. So what's your real name?" He asked.
"Satsuki." I said.
"Satsuki, I think you can be really powerful if you join me and my friends in our group we call Aogiri. What do you say?" He asked.
"I don't know. I don't even think I know my ghoul self that well." I said.
"I can train you.... I mean i-if you want me to?" He said.
"I would love that!" I said. Then he straightened up.
"So how about we start training now and keep going every week until you are finally ready." He said.
"That sounds great." I said.
"Okay, the first thing you need to know. Accept your ghoul self. Accept your hunger. But, when you do these things stay in control. Your kagune is part of you so treat it like a few extra limbs. Rely on your kagune. Power over everyone else is key. If you can be more powerful than your enemies than winning is guaranteed. But with power comes responsibility. Strategies. Certain fighting moves. Things like that help you become more powerful. You can't just be powerful without knowing what to do with that power. Now-" and so on and so on he went.

It's been weeks since I started training with Ayato. We became really close. And I mean REALLY close. Today I was going to another lesson with him. This time it was at his house. When I got there he was slumped on his couch, messing around on his phone. I coughed to get his attention.
"Oh Satsuki! I didn't even see you there." He said. He walked over to me and hugged me.
"How are you Ayato?" I asked.
"I'm good now that you're here." He said. I smiled. "Actually Satsuki I wanted to do something different this time."
"What did you wanna do?" I asked.
"Do you want to..... Go on a date with me?" He asked. His face flushed and he looked so cute. I couldn't say no.
"Oh Ayato I would love to!" I said and hugged him.
"Only one problem, where are we gonna go?" He asked.
"We can go get coffee." I said.
"I don't like associating with humans. I hate acting human." He said.
"Well we're all ghouls at Anteiku." I said. It looked like the words I had said had slapped him in the face.
"No I don't really, uh, want to... Um... Go to Anteiku. Let's just go to another coffee shop I'll get over my human thing and do it for you just this time." He said.
"Thanks Ayato." I said and smiled.
"Anything for you." He said. He took my hand and smiled at me.
"Let's go." I said. We walked out his door and onto the sidewalk. We went to another coffee shop that I had never been to. When we walked in it smelt like books and coffee. The best smell ever. We sat down at a small table by the window.
"Apparently a lot of ghouls come here too." He said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah some people I know have come in here a few times." He said.
"May I take your order?" Asked the waiter. I gestured Ayato to order. He was so nervous and shaky when he ordered. It was so cute. When the waiter took our orders and walked away I started fanning him.
"Wow champ wasn't that some hard work?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed.
"Oh my it was too much." He said. I laughed. As I was getting lost in my thoughts about Ayato I heard a voice that broke me out of them. The voice wasn't good. I knew this person but who was it? I turned my head and saw him. Shuu Tsukiyama. "Satsuki? What's wrong?" Ayato asked. The look on my face must of been super obvious.
"You remember the guy that abused me and kept me in his basement?" I asked.
"Yes, what about him?" He asked.
"He's here." I said. The look on his face went from cute happy smol bunny to "where is he I'm gonna kill him".
"No way I'm not letting this guy live." He said and stood up.
"No Ayato you can't there are humans here." I said. "Please just let this slide once. For me? For our date?"
"You're right. I'm sorry Satsuki I don't know what I was thinking." He said and sat back down. I held his hand laying on the table.
"It's okay Ayato." I said.
"Let's enjoy our date." He said. As we drank our coffee we chatted and had some laughs. Wow, I think I'm really in love with him. When the waiter gave us our check I offered to pay.
"No Satsuki please let me pay." He said.
"Ayato it's fine just let me pay." I said.
"No I insist." He said and laid his money down on the little carrier. I sighed.
"Okay fine but I'm paying next time." I said. We walked out hand in hand. As we were walking Ayato stopped.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"The doves. They're near." He said. Doves. Investigators. "Let's go back in an alley and make our way home that way."
"Okay." I said. We ran in an alley and paced home. Eventually we hit a dead end.
"We have to go up." He said.
"O-" I was cut off by an unknown voice.
"Not. So. Fast." It said. I couldn't see them but the voice didn't sound familiar.
"Doves." Ayato whispered in my ear. I stiffened up. Last time the investigator was my dad. The dove moved closer and I could see them. He opened his big suitcase and his quinque flew out. "Monster GO!" Yelled Ayato pointing up. I immediately jumped up the walls and onto the roof.
"Black Rabbit come on!" I yelled. He's not seriously trying to fight him, right? "BR stop let's go!" I yelled again. He wasn't coming so I jumped back down.
"Monster what are you doing?!" He asked.
"Helping you." I said. I had learned well from Ayato. Let's see if it payed off.

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