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I'm back my lovely people!! I had an amazing summer vacation. I loved staying with my mom and when i got to see her for the first time in June 19th of 2016 i was very emotional due to not seeing her for 7 years and seeing my favorite grandma was amazing. Once I got to my mom's home it was amazing everything was beautiful. (Above is the view we had where my mom's home is at). This was the best vacation I had in my life. I felt relieved and my stress level had drastically dropped. My headaches that I use to have constantly are gone and i can't stop smiling. I was so fucken happy for the first time in a while and I was planning on staying there for the rest of my life but I knew I couldn't do that due to me getting a perfect education. The freedom I had was amazing I could go anywhere and hang with my old friends who I haven't seen in 7 years was amazing. All in all I had such a blast this summer. I hope you guys did too. I want to know How Your guys summer vacation went!? Love you all!!💖

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