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Hello my lovely friends!!
I am back updating my bio again. Recently I haven't been myself. Things at home got rougher since I came back from Mexico last summer. But it also go worse after my 17th birthday. Things with my dad haven't been well anymore and were drifting but by but. Still raising my younger sibling who I love dearly like he's my son. I wish things weren't so hard at home. I've been goin to counseling now and going to gym to relief sone stress off my back and because lately my family have been saying that I eat too much or I'm fat and so now I'm losing the extra weight. Just honestly things aren't going as well as I though for the new year and I wish it would of gone better but it hasn't. I have been closing off to others because I can't seem to trust no one not even my cousin who's like a sister to me and Every time I tell her about a secret she tells her friends and boyfriend about it. She told mostly all her friends that I'm bi. And I told her to promise me not to tell anyone yet she did. Its upsetting that I can't trust anyone anymore. I feel alone, left out, and getting advantage of. I wish I could be myself for once not hiding who I really am but having this family who judges and even disowns people makes me hide away from everyone. I wish I could finally date a girl or guy freely and not be judged by my own family. Truth is I'm starting to drink alcohol to try and get that pain away. And I know it's bad so usually I would go to the gym but my mind would also end up wanting a drink of alcohol or the insults and loneliness become worse that I feel my heart breaking and making myself Go into depression to suicidal thoughts. I just gave up with taking people's shit And listening to others all I ever wanted was to have a normal childhood and teenage fun but I couldn't because I have to take care of someone who needs me as a good role model even if I'm breaking day by day getting worse and worse on my own self-esteem and depression that comes in my like.

I hope that you guys are having a better 2017 year than mine. I hope things do get better for myself and for you guys. I know life sucks but I guess by doing great things and becoming successful Will show others that we are better than they are and we are stinger than before. I love you guys and if you want any advice, help, or just chat than dm me and I will respond as quick as I can. Live you all and hope you have a wonderful or better year so far!

BioDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora