Aint the World a Mysterious Place?

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In all honesty Earth is just a place where we get tested to see how long we would last here. In a world where people just filled with anger, sins, sadness, guilt, fear, lost, confused, betrayed, broken, threatened, and even darkness. But what's amazing is that out there somewhere there's one person who is smiling, happy, and joyful. Full of life that everyone craves to have. Yet we kill one another with hurtful shit that causes that happiness to go away. Our cruel world has evolved into something that we can't turn back. I always dreamed as a little girl that my life would be filled with happiness but it came crashing down when I noticed how cruel human society's are to one another. I love  and support anyone that has come to try and be happy but be crushed by the ones they trusted the most. I know I'm bisexual, but does that really mean that I'm a sin and someone who shouldn't live. Really.? I thought loving someone didn't matter to anyone. I love both girls and guys. Many people at my age already experience being bullied just because they're different. Love is love and no one should take that away. Even if our parents, society, and friends don't approve of it. Be you. Honestly being you isn't bad. To me being myself is what makes people know that I ain't cruel and have a heart even if I do get broken by others hiding my sadness away. I can depend on myself and I have the right to choose what I want to be when I'm older.  I don't need anyone that doesn't like me or bully me get in the way of my happiness.

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