I feel like shit...

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I don't know what to do anymore. Every time I have a best friend it's like I do something wrong and I feel like shit. I gave up my best friend of 6 years to make new friends due to me barely making any in 8th grade and because my ex best friend was jealous and angry that I was making friends while she had tons of them. Now my best friend of 2 years feels like she's a third wheel when I gave up everything just to be by her side but now we had an argument and I just don't know what to do at all. My ex best friend hates my best friend of 2 years and Idk why or what to do. I already was in a fight with my dad and we talked shit through after. But now that my best friend fought with me just because I'm trying to mend things with my old friends and trying to make new friends she feels left out even though I tell her everything that goes through my life. I feel like Everytime I make a new best friend I do something wrong and they leave and I'm left with nothing. I just don't know what's wrong with me. Is it wrong to make new friends? I just don't know... I wish I was just far away from society and just live somewhere peaceful and not stressing in my life. Just one thing I do wrong it's like I'm a disappointment.

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