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It's been such a long time since I last been on here and updated. I'm finally a Senior and graduation is in 3 months! It's crazy how fast the year goes by. Although, things have been great! Finally got accepted to a College! And now just having to find my Prom dress (stressful!). Trying to keep my grades and GPA up. There's been so much unnecessary drama and obviously still people love to make fun of me for no reason (key the eye roll). Still have the greatest friends, but dropping one due to assumptions. Also, dated my best friend, which wasn't a good idea since I've been struggling with myself for a while and stress due to school. Now all I do is stay home and take of my puppies (just recently got them!) and obviously taking care of my family and handling my last year in High school. A lot has happened last year and this year that my brain seems to no catch up at all. I'm so blessed to have loving friends and family, but they are sometimes hard to handle all at once. Other then that things have been okay and wish this year goes by faster because I'm done with high schoolers and can't deal with them anymore.
I hope you guys are having a good 2019 and comment about something exciting you've done! Also, if anyone needs someone to listen to you, let me know and message me! It always helps to talk to someone! Love you all and I pray that you all have an amazing day/week/month/year!!❤️❤️

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