The fall of a modern woman

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You were walking down the streets of New York, cold, afraid, and heart broken. You couldn't believe how quickly everything had changed. The man you had thought you would spend the rest of your life with had wanted to feel like a "real man" and wanted to support you and bring home the bacon. You were in love and after the war you had no real reason to work so you moved in with your boyfriend and kept the house clean and cooked the meals, while he was away working. You knew in the back of your mind that he was taking advantage of you and if he truly wanted the married life he would've put a ring on it. But you were a hopeless romantic, and you saw the best in people even when they choose to hurt you or treat you like you are any less valuable than you are. So here you were on the street with no job and no boyfriend to provide you money or a place to live. All because you let him act selfishly like most men of his time and you didn't pay attention to how many nights he was out at the bar. Otherwise he wouldn't have met that blonde tramp who was more than willing to let him shag her in the dirty bathroom at the bar. You looked around and knew that your perspective had changed forever. You weren't ever going to let an old fashion ego push you around ever again, you were a modern woman. You had nothing but the change in your pocket, so you found the nearest payphone and called the first person that came to mind, Peggy Carter. "Hey peg" you said nervously. "Oh hello (y/n)!" she sang. "So can i ask you huge favor? I know it's a lot to ask but i need a place to stay. I broke up with my boyfriend and now i have no job and no place to go." you explained. She said "yes of course dear!" and sent Jarvis to pick you up immediately. Once you arrived at her apartment she brought you a cup of tea and handed you a piece of paper with an address on it. "what's this?' you asked politely. "well this is the office in which you will be working as an S.S.R. agent." she said and winked. She took a sip of tea and continued  "Be there tomorrow at noon and our new chief will interview you."    

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