City lights and chilly nights

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You had almost completed your mission. You had kissed so much ass, that you would later be kicking. And you and jack managed to get plenty of info out if the drunk baboons. You ran into a small snafu towards the end though and you and jack ended up waiting on one particular to stop dancing to have a moment to speak with him. But he kept spinning around the dance floor with many different women who were clearly gold diggers. "Alright, I have a plan" jack said sternly.  "To get him to stop dancing?" You inquired. "Nope, to get closer to him." He corrected and he held out his hand. "Are you serious? We're going to dance our way over to him?!" You blurted.  "Yep, just follow my lead." He said smoothly and winked while pulling you towards the dance floor. You ended up dancing with him for a while and you never even got to talking with the man. He managed to slip out the door before the two of you noticed. You were frustrated and confused as to how your only target escaped, but you knew in the back of your mind why. You and jack left the party, worn and for the most part happy to have gotten as much Intel as you did. He held open the door and you two walked to the S.S.R. Where everyone was gonna meet you. It was chilly so jack gave you his jacket. You appreciated these moments when he was a gentleman. You've noticed that he's been a lot nicer to be around lately. "The city is so wonderful at night. It's like a whole different city. So many things to see and do." Jack said much to your surprise. "Oh, yeah. I'm always too afraid to be out alone at night though. But the city is beautiful." You responded. "Well luckily you're not alone. I'm here, and if anyone tries to cause you any trouble, I can kick their ass." Jack said in an almost protective tone. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Was jack Thompson really offering to watch out for you? Was he trying to say something? You were thoroughly confused, but you weren't complaining. The two of you arrived at the office and you debriefed with the others then you hitched a ride with Howard and hoped tomorrow and the next few days would go well.

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