Jack and the friendship attack

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The following day was fairly strange. you hadn't been asked to go grab coffee or take any lunch orders and you handed in all your work without receiving any complaints from jack. However the attitude of your male peers hadn't changed in the least bit. you still felt a few pair of eyes on breasts and ass and you would walk into a room and get a few dirty looks and whispers. But when Peggy came to find you in the file room, you knew something was up. She brought you into jack's office, you sat down across from jack who kept an intense stare on you the whole time. Peggy and Daniel were already there and they stood on either side of you in the seat. You felt very uncomfortable, like you were in trouble or something. "(Y/n), I need to talk to you about something." Jack said. You looked up nervously "yes chief?" You said trying to be professional. "Well we are asking you to do something, but it's not what you're used to doing here and we want to make sure you know what you're getting into." Jack said to you then directed the next comment to Peggy and said "please explain". You looked up at Peggy and she said "well (y/n), we're sending you on a mission with jack because Daniel will be leaving for California tomorrow and I will be preoccupied on a separate mission. But we need someone with your skills. It's going to be difficult and dangerous, but Daniel and I are here to help you prep.". Daniel continued "We want to make sure that you're ok with it though first.". "What is the mission?" You asked. Peggy turned and sat on the edge of the desk and explained "You will be infiltrating a warehouse full of dangerous tech. You will need to sneak in and disable the power generator that's powering the machines and then you will need to steal files, research, and tech from the lab. But you have to do this all undetected, or the security guards will blow the whole place up, and the explosion alone will cause dreadful damage around the city and the chemicals will poison the air. So it crucial that the team be two people." Said Peggy. "Plus you will need to pose as a couple at a banquet prior to the mission to try to learn as much as you can about the company. You are going to try to get up close and personal with the boss himself 'Edward Jameson'." Daniel piped in. "I know that's a lot to ask, but if your willing, I'll try to make the experience as painless as possible. Plus you're one of my- *cough* our best. And I'll make sure to watch your back and protect you... Cause it's my job." Jack nervously spat out. Peggy and Daniel were both grinning behind you, not to your knowledge. "Ok, I'll do it!" You said determined. You knew that this was the only chance coming around anytime soon to get more time in the field.

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