So.... You and howard?

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You woke up the day that you and jack were scheduled to go out on your mission. You were so nervous that you could barely stomach breakfast so you have up, you knew you would regret it later but oh well. You arrived at the S.S.R. earlier than usual, that way you would have more time to mentally prepare yourself. Howard had Jarvis drive you and decided to tag along and walk you in since today was such a big day. Much to your surprise Peggy and Sousa were already there getting the important tools ready for you and jack. "(Y/n)! Howard!" Peggy called after watching you walk in. "Mornin'" Daniel said kindly. "Good morning!" You said back trying to hide your shaky voice. They clearly could see right through your charade and your nerves didn't go unnoticed. Luckily before they could say anything jack walked in, made direct eye contact with you and said "morning, ready for today?" in a fake calm tone. Much to your discomfort Peggy and Daniel exchanged a secretive look and looked at you then jack. He walked over to the desk you were standing by and set his stiff down next to yours getting right in between you and Howard. This then triggered an even stranger face from Peggy and Daniel. You decided to ignore it, you didn't need anymore stress anyway. "So we have time for breakfast, and we can go over the plans one more time." Jack said innocently. "Um, sure actually I didn't eat." You responded. "I figured, me neither. I know a great diner 2 blocks down ." He said excitedly. "Great! Let's go!" You said trying to sound less anxious about the mission. The two of you walked out outside and you figured that you would walk but he took out his car keys and let you in his Chevy. He started driving, but you quickly realized you were gonna be stuck in commuter traffic. You ended up sitting there for a while so you were about to make conversation about the weather or something simple and normal, but before you had the chance to say anything jack quickly blurted "so... you and Howard?". You made a series of coughing noises in reaction to the abrupt surprise of his comment. "!" You said sternly. "Whha- why would you get that idea?!" You continued. "Well you came together this morning and... Well he's Howard..." Jack said shyly. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry, it's just... I don't know.... I was just curious and I assumed." He nervously stuttered. "Oh, no definitely not! It's okay." You replied trying to make the conversation less uncomfortable. "Well do you... WANT there to be something between you two? I mean why not?"He asked while scratching the back of his head. "Oh, no! I don't want to be one of many, MANY girls. But recently I'm keeping my options more open." You shared openly while breathing out deeply. "Oh." He said and breathed  out loudly. "You're right though!" He said. "About what?" You questioned. "You were right to say that you shouldn't be one of many girls. A gal like you needs to be with someone who'll treat her right!" He said proudly. At this point you were ready to look out the window to see if there were any pigs flying. This wasn't normal jack behavior or comments. You smiled at him mildly, and he smiled back. "Phew, traffic is finally clearing up!" You said trying to ease the awkward silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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