Working girl (3 months later)

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You got to work one morning annoyed as ever still from yesterday. You and chief Thompson had been at each other's throats a lot lately. He always seemed to pick on you about everything. He would tell you to do something and give you almost no details and then you would do it and he would tell you that it was all wrong. He would critique your work and get super nit picky about every detail. It wasn't that you couldn't handle a demanding boss, you just couldn't handle the fact that he didn't treat any of the other agents like he treated you and you were over it.  You sat down at your desk and pulled out the work you had spent all night perfecting and stamped it with the official S.S.R. label and walked confidently over to Thompson's office. You didn't bother to knock when the door was open anymore so you just walked right up to his desk and smacked the file down on his desk and cleared your throat. "I spent all night working on these files, they should be to your satisfaction." you said with frustration. He looked up at you amused by your current state and grabbed the file off the desk smugly. He flipped through it carelessly and said "its fine". You started to boil inside you felt yourself quickly lose control of your actions. You had been pushed to your limit and this was the last straw so you yelled " Are you kidding me!?! all I do is work my ass off here and all you do is give me a hard time and constantly give me shit! I don't get why you hate me so much! If i'm really such a nuisance then maybe I shouldn't be here! You know what, i'm leaving! Agent Sousa is looking for agents to transfer to L.A. Ill make the call today!". Jack looked shocked and extremely worried but you were angry so you stormed out of his office and went down to the lab to hide from your lousy co-workers. You spent the rest of the day avoiding Thompson and finishing the rest of your work. You almost called Sousa a few times but you couldn't make yourself do it. By the end of the day you were so tired and upset and you needed to blow off some steam so you went to the local bar and planned to be so hungover the next day and have to call in sick. You decided to sit in the back of the bar away from the majority of the people in the bar. You ordered a neat scotch, a habit you picked up from hanging with Howard so much he was always go big or go home when it came to parties and drinks. You looked around you and observed the different kinds of people in the bar. They're was a couple dancing like there was no tomorrow and a table of ladies making flirty faces at a table of gentleman across the dance floor. You thought about how lonely you were but how uninterested you were in most men. They were always so loud and demanding and rude. Just then a group of loud men conveniently walked in, you looked down before you could get a good look at them on purpose. The last thing you needed was to be taunted by drunk men hoping to get lucky. Once they got settled across the bar you decided to look up and much to your surprise it was jack-fucking-Thompson and a group of his friends. You downed the last bit of your drink payed the bartender and decided to get out before he noticed you. Unfortunately you left your coat on your seat and the bartender called after you as you were walking away, calling the attention of most of the bar for a second. But a second was all it took for jack to spot you. He told all his friends that he knew you and slid out if his seat and walked over to you. "Hey (y/n)!" He called as he ran over to you half excited, half anxious. "Hello jack." You said in a tired tone. "Hey, you're here alone. Why don't you come and sit with me and meet my friends?!" He offered up enthusiastically. "No thanks, I was just headed out." You said trying to come up with an excuse. But jack wasn't taking no for an answer he firmly said "look I feel really bad about today and how I've been treating you in general over the past few months. You're right, you deserve respect and you're a really good agent. Just let me buy you a drink and make up for it!". He then grabbed you hand and pulled you over to the table he was sitting at and said "come on! It'l be a good way to destress from work!". The night started off with jack's friends being ignorant jerks who assumed you were jack's secretary or some kind of assistant when he said you worked together. Then it continued with you being talked about as of you weren't in the same room, by all of his friends. And you were 3 seconds away from standing up and walking out, when jack suddenly told them to knock it off and stood up for you. He stood up grabbed his coat and pulled your hand like before and dragged you put of the bar. "I'm sorry about them." He said in a guilty tone. "It's okay, I'm used to it," you said in an irritated tone. "Used to it? That sounds rough!" He commented. "Well let's get you home, do you need a ride?" He said trying to change the subject. "No it's fine I'll just take a cab. Goodnight." You said before turning around and grabbing a taxi before he could say anything but "goodnight" back.

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