Only You (Seimone Augustus)

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Seimone watched from the bed as you got dressed for work. You stood at 6'4", with a toned body and pretty dark skin. Your curly hair was pulled back in a ponytail and you slipped on your glasses, before putting on your watch. 


You turned at hearing your pet name and smiled at Seimone who was still buried under the blankets. 

"Yes, Empress?" 

Seimone smiled and grinned as you kissed her cheek. 

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" 

"Hopefully. You know how my boss loves to give my team a case on nights that I have things to do." 

Seimone frowned before smiling as you kissed her forehead. 

"It's a big game!" 

"I know Empress. You have been talking about it non stop." 

Seimone blushed while you chuckled before running your hand through her hair. 

"If I'm not there, I promise to make it up to you." 



You kissed her softly before grabbing your bag and leaving. She laid back down, deciding to sleep a bit more. 



You grinned as Seimone hugged your waist before purring as you kissed her forehead. 

"You made it!" She said, looking at you before seeing you holding a bag. 

"I figured you would want a treat before you go play." 

Seimone looked in the bag and grinned, before kissing you again.

"God, I love you!" 

"I love you even more." 

Seimone took one of the strawberries that were dipped in chocolate and took a bite out of it, moaning as she induldged. Your arm was around her waist as she ate the strawberry and you chuckled as she stuck her tongue out at you.

"I'll see you at halftime right?" 


sharing another kiss, you walked off to go sit while Seimone joined her team.

  ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ ◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙◙ 
Seimone glared at the woman who was obviously flirting with you.

It was Brittany Boyd- forward for the New York Liberty.

But Seimone felt jealous. Brittany was shorter than her and prettier and definitely more feminine. You laughed as she playfully hit your arm.

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