In Your Arms (Tina Charles)

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Tina watched as you jogged around the park with your four legged friend. Your hair was short and you stood at least 6'6" and always ran this path every other day.


Tina giggled as the Weimaraner licked her face before running back to you.

"Sorry about that. Polo has no sense of personal space."

Polo barked before rolling over.

"It's fine. He's a cutie."

Polo sat up straight and you rolled your eyes.

"Dear god you have such an ego for a dog."

Polo barked before laying his head in Tina's lap.

"Jesus Polo!"

"It's fine."

You rolled your eyes but sat next to her as Polo made Tina his new friend.

"So you run this route everyday?"

"Yeah, I try to. Hard to do when your in charge of a company."



"Cool. Company name?"

"DOSE. Security company."

Tina smiled at you.

"That's pretty cool."

"Yeah. So why are you in the park everyday?"

"Jogging like you."

You smiled before pulling your phone out.

"We should run together. Give me your number."

Tina smiled and typed her number in. Polo barked and seem to be grinning as you two exchanged numbers.

"Well, see you tomorrow Tina."

"Same to you Jovana."

You smiled and ran off but not before Polo licked Tina one more time and ran after you.
Tina smiled as you ran over to her, Polo with her.


"Tina baby!"

She hugged you and you kissed your forehead. You kissed her forehead every time she met you. Tina was developing a crush on you. You were sweet, intelligent, funny, and gave amazing hugs.

"So I have a game tonight."

"I'll be there. Court side."

She laughed as you did a dance.

"Now come on- we have two miles to run."

Tina followed after you as you two started to jog.
Tina spotted you immediately. You were sitting court side in jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a adidas jacket with matching sneakers.

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