Pray You Catch Me (Seimone Augustus)

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Seimone heard the door open and close. You walked passed her not once looking her way. She knew she had fucked up but she was angry when she said those words. Those Words.


You were in the room and Seimone felt her heart break. You were packing a suitcase.

"Babe. Please."

You ignored her and walked into the closet, grabbing clothes and shoes.


She grabbed you and she found your eyes were dead. Cold.

"I'm sorry."

"No you aren't."

You pulled away and finished packing before zipping the suitcase Shut. You walked out, grabbing your duffle, phone, and keys.

Seimone flinched as the door slammed shut. She fell to her knees and cried.
You smiled as Brittney hugged you, pulling you into her lap and just cuddling you. You went to Phoenix- not your hometown but it might as well be.

Brittney is your best friend and you two do everything together- even though you two were at one point hundreds of miles apart.

"You can stay as long as you need," she said.

You nodded and laughed As Major and Klaus jumped up, licking your face before lying down.

How could she say something so mean? So cruel? You didn't understand. Maybe Seimone wasn't right for you.

Brittney saw the emotions warring on your face and she hated it. She secretly loved you, hiding her feelings once you started dating Seimone because it wasn't her place to rip you two apart. She hated how Seimone had you fucked up.

Hugging you closer, Brittney kissed your forehead before just sitting with you.
Seimone saw you and she swallowed hard. You were sitting in Brittney's lap, laughing as she said something. Her arm was around your waist and she was looking at you in a way that made Seimone angry.

You wore jeans and one of her sweaters. You nuzzled against her and closed your eyes, making her hug you and kiss your forehead.

Seimone stormed off, ignoring the calls from her teammates. She went into the locker room and hit the wall before crying.

Maya saw you and ran over.


You looked up and smiled.

"Oh hey Maya."


"What about her?" Brittney asked becoming protective.

"She ran off and you know how to calm her down."

You frowned but stood.


Brittney gripped your hand but you kissed her forehead before walking. You walked with her and she looked at you.

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