Spoiled (Lynetta Kizer)

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Lynette loves babying you. She would make you dinner, get things for you, take you to the spa- the works. She adored the very ground you walked on.


You however, got tired of being pampered all the time. Don't get it wrong- you loved after a long day of work coming home to a bubble bath, your favorite food, wine and Netflix. But sometimes it annoyed you how Lynetta never let you spoil her. You had a well paying job- you weren't the youngest Female CEO for nothing- and you wanted to spoil Lynetta but she wouldn't.


"Living room!"

You watched as she walked in with a Godiva bag and a Victoria's Secret bag. You swallowed your groan and smiled as she placed the bags in your lap.

"Oh you shouldn't have!"

"I wanted to."

You smiled at the chocolate strawberries and the lingerie as well as perfume.

"Babe? Is something wrong?"

You looked at Lynetta and moved the bags to the table before cupping her face.

"Why don't you let me spoil you?"

"I don't need to be spoiled! You do!"

You rolled your eyes and kissed her nose.

"Don't you want something?"

"No. I just want you to be happy."

Lynetta kissed you again before nuzzling your cheek.

"Just let me spoil you. Please?"

You sighed but nodded before kissing her again. You were going to surprise her came hell or high water.
You smiled as Erlana got in your car.

"Thanks for helping me."

"No problem. I know Lynetta can be hardheaded as fuck."

You started driving towards the mall.

"So what has she been eyeing?"

"A Rolex, new sneakers, and she needs a new phone."


"Yeah, she cracked the screen pretty bad when we went out one night."

You sighed.

"Anything else?"

"A pet."

You smiled and did a happy wiggle.

"I can do all of those."

Erlana laughed as you did your happy dance.

You two arrived a few minutes later and you parked. You two walked out and Erlana laughed as you took her arm.

"So what should we do first?"

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