Years Passed (Shavonte Zellous)

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Shavonte walked into her class and looked around for a seat. She spotted one next to a girl wearing jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers. Her short hair was slightly tousled and her glasses sat on her nose.

But what caught Shavonte's eye was her piercing black eyes. They seem to bore into her soul. Shavonte sat down and looked down immediately.

The class began. Criminology was the class and you appeared to be uninterested the entire time. Until the teacher called on you.

"Miss Lumiere, what would you say?"

"That based on these three crimes, we have a serial killer. He does the same thing at each scene, removes the watch. Doesn't seem like much but who removes people watches?"

Shavonte looked back at the scenes and
Gasped. How did she miss that?

"Very good."

The professor continued to talk and she looked at you. You smiled and winked at her before going to whatever.
"Shavonte and Lumiére you two will work together on the paper and presentation."

Shavonte looked at you and you sighed before looking at your phone.

The class ended and you stood, walking out. Shavonte chased after you.


You turned and Shavonte caught up.

"When do you want to work on the project? I mean if you want to. I figure-"

Shavonte gasped as you pressed a kiss to her lips.

"You talk to much."

You walked off and Shavonte blushed.
Shavonte walked into your place and looked around. It was decorated in a modern manner.

"My room is this way."

Shavonte followed you into the room and looked around.

"I don't bite Shavonte."

She blushed. You had began kissing Shavonte every time class let out. Sometimes it was a kiss on the cheek or temple. Other times it was on the lips.

"Unless you want me to."

Shavonte gasped as you suddenly had her pinned to the wall. She gasped as you kissed her again before picking her up. Shavonte kissed you softly before you smiled.

"We have work babe."

She nodded.

"Maybe I can treat you afterwards."

She blushed but got to work with you.
Shavonte yawned as she rubbed her eyes. You chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Lay down babe."

"No! I have two more-"


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