Hello Sunshine

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It was the next morning. You had woken up at 6:23 AM. You had always been more of a morning person. You lied in bed for a couple minutes, thinking about what your life had come to. After almost having an existential crisis, you hopped out of bed and started to get ready for the day. Once you were cleaned up and dressed. You continued to unpack. You began to think of the party that was in your honor tonight. You didn't know who would be there. Considering you didn't have many friends and the ones you did have, you haven't see in a couple years. You hoped the party would be small and intimate. After you were finally all unpacked, you decided to go see your family. You hadn't seen them since Christmas and it was already August. As you drove through the streets you once knew, you pulled up to the house you once lived in. It had been painted since the last time you there. As you walked up to the front door, you didn't know if you should knock or just go right in. You ended up just walking right in. The house was empty. As you called out for your mother, she appeared in one of her crazy outfits. She was in her mid 50s and had always dressed like she was still in the 80s. She had the best personality and you could always talk to her about anything.

"Oh honey you're home!" She squealed.

"Yea I just thought that I would come see you since I'm back now."

You really didn't know what else to say.

"Well come here! You are so skinny! Are you ok? Are you eating? Oh I'm so excited you're back! We have so much to catch up on! Robert! (Y/N) is here!! Robert, where are you?"  She yelled.

Your mother had been loud and overbearing at times but you knew that she meant well. Your dad, Robert, appeared walking out of his office. He had always been a quiet and reserved man but you could see the excitement in his eyes when he saw you. He said nothing, instead he walked up and gave you a big bear hug.

"Sarah, why didn't you tell me (Y/N) was coming?"  He said in his calm voice.

"Well I didn't even know till she just showed up, I thought she was coming down in two weeks. Ya know this just reminds me of when I was pregnant with you! You came two weeks early!"

"Relax Sarah" Your dad said. He had always been really patient with your mom.

Your mom made lunch and all three of you sat in the patio and ate. It felt like old times. You were an only child and had always been close to your parents, although you hadn't been close in awhile, it was nice to be here and enjoy your time with them. Your mom had been asking you a million questions.

"So sweetie, do you have a job yet?"

"What was it like in New York?"

"Did you meet any guys while you were there?"

"You know, Christopher is an architect now and he's still single. I haven't even seen him with a girl since you! Oh how I loved Chris, he was such a good guy. Maybe you guys will reconnect now that you're in the same place now!"

You didn't know how to even respond to her anymore, you just smiled and nodded, sometimes responding with short answers. Your dad didn't really say anything. He didn't have to. Your mother basically said everything for him.
It was already 5:00 PM. The party started at 7. You said bye to your parents and your mother made you promise to come by as much as you could. She even suggested you come to dinner every night, which you politely said 'no thanks' to.
You drove home and started to get ready. You took a shower and began getting dressed. You had no idea what others were wearing so, you thought a simple black dress would be appropriate. You did your makeup. You were never good at makeup but you tried your best. You just straightened your hair because you couldn't be bothered to do too much to it. As you looked in the mirror, you thought 'Eh, good enough' and walked out the door. As you were driving closer to Summer's house. You began to get a little nervous. You hadn't seen these people in years. What if she invited people you didn't remember and you had to pretend that you remembered them? What if she invited Christopher, what would you even say to him? As you pulled up to the driveway. You took a minute to just relax. Once you were ready you walked up to the front door and opened it.

Everyone yelled "SURPRISE"

You gave them as much of a surprised face as you could before Summer walked out of the crowd and greeted you.

"Well your surprise face needs some work, but I'm glad you're here. Come on let's get a drink in you, you seem very tense." 

"Yea, I wasn't expecting there to be so many people."  You replied. 

It was then as you were walking to the kitchen with Summer, that you saw him. He was tall, had glasses, brown hair and he had the best smile. It sounds cheesy but you felt your heart literally skip a beat. He looked at you too and began to smile. You didn't recognize him at first but you definitely  had met him before. Summer snapped you out of your gaze as she handed you a drink.
As you mingled with people, you couldn't help but keep thinking about him. Who was he? Where did you know him from? Why was he here? What was his name again? While you were zoning out talking to some girl from high school, Summer approached you but this time he was with her along with her boyfriend, Jordan.

"(Y/N), you remember Ian, right!?"

Ian, his name was Ian. The memory came flooding back to you. It was two years ago and you were visiting Summer for her birthday.


"Hey (Y/N), this is Ian. He's friends Jordan."

"Oh hi, I'm (Y/N)."  You said

"Hi, I'm Ian, it's nice to meet you."  He said in a friendly tone.

You hadn't thought much of him at the time. He had shorter hair and smaller glasses. He was dressed poorly in a bright yellow shirt and plaid shorts. He seemed nice but didn't give him another thought. You two didn't really say another word to each other. It was a quick meeting and that was it. You had honestly forgot he even existed. You had just come out of your relationship with Christopher at the time and weren't ready to date yet. Maybe that's why you didn't pay attention to him. It was weird to think about what could have been.

After you remembered who he was, you replied

"Oh yea, of course. I'm sorry, you just look really different. Or maybe I have a bad memory, I don't know."

"Well considering we haven't seen each other in about two years, I would say that your memory is just fine, I do look a little different." He said in sarcastically friendly tone.

He was definitely different. He was dressed better and had a different tone. The way he looked at you put a puppy dog smile on your face and honestly just melted your heart. Later that night, you two met up again and started talking.

"So, Ian what do you do for a living?"

"Oh I...Um... I make videos" He said, in a really weird tone.

"Oh what kinds of videos? Like short films or music videos or porn?"

"I wish I made porn but I unfortunately make YouTube videos"

"YouTube videos? Is that even a real job?" You said as you started to giggle.

"Yea" He said as he started to nervously laugh, "I make comedy videos basically"

"Oh, well I'm sorry but I probably won't watch them. If you made porn, now that'd be a whole different story" You said as he started to laugh.

You two continued to talk for the rest of the night and even exchanged numbers after the party was over.

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