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I'm Maybelle. I live on Orkan st. down in Towaway. My world is black and white.... Literally. I'm not joking. In the country of Makaspy there are quite a lot of rules. Including no color. You can't have fun, you can't have any fictional books, you can't listen to music unless it's classical, you can't dress crazy you can only dress by the dress code that is assorted by age (yes, our country has a dress code), you can't be different, and the biggest no no is that you cannot and no matter what you cannot be creative.

I know. Sounds like a boring world. But though you can't have any fictional stories, we do have the one that citizens keep to themselves. You see it's called "The World of Hopes and Dreams". In this place, there is as much color as the world would allow.

There is music everywhere and sweets and treats and laughter and cheers. People can dress funny and no one would care. You can be chubby or skinny or average. Heck no body would care what you look like because all that matters is how creative you are. Oh the creativity.

There are things that have never been made. There are jet packs and hover boards and reanimate machines that could even bring back people or dinosaurs and all you have to do is think it. Just think it and it will be right there. As long as it's peaceful and creative, it'll be right there.

But there's a catch. You can only enter there if you have a special stone. A stone where you can wish upon it and if your heart is pure and your heart is in the right place, then and only then will you be able to enter the World of Hopes and Dreams. I know it sounds crazy. We all thought it was a myth. Until, one thankful day, there was a stone for me. You know what? I'm getting to far ahead of myself. You see, my story begins at my boring house on Orkan st.

A World of Hopes and Dreams Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ