The Facility

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As I woke up I found myself in a cage that was driven by a car. I slowly started to remember where I was and my breath was panicked, my eyes anxious and my head pounding. I knew I was about to go to the facility. That was worse than a boring day. It was worse than any day.

Though I knew panicking wasn't going to help so I tried to think of something to be thankful about. I was thankful it at least had a tiny slot so I could see out. Though when I looked all I could see was a dusty road. I started to sneeze because of all the dust. Wiping my now drippy nose I looked for a way to get out.

I couldn't see the driver since it was blocked off and I couldn't see where I was going.

"Help!" I yelled. "Get me out" I tried banging on the steel but nothing. I wanted to get out. I wanted a tissue at the very least. I looked around some more and saw my bag.

"Thank you" I whispered and looked through it. I saw my dad's journal. I started to search through it. The first page said:

'Day 1 of boredom
I've been assigned to leave my world and go to the country of Makaspy. They told me that they want me to gather as many color people as possible. Since the creative are not welcome there I must hurry and finish my job. I hope I can make it.'

I looks at this my eyes filled with confusion and surprise. But I kept reading. This is all I have left of him, I thought, this is the only way I'll know more about him. So I continued.

'Day 2
I have a strange house here in Makaspy. It's strange to me at least most likely because it's 'normal'. I also have a job as a lawyer. Which is even more boring. Though my neighbor isn't that boring. She's very lively and spirited though she doesn't show it, I can tell. Perhaps tomorrow I'll try to talk to her but for now I need to get settled in and hope she or anyone else doesn't knows my secret.'

I looked at it confused as to who this person was and quickly flipped to the next page.

'Day 3
I met the girl today. Her name is Samantha-'

I paused right there at the name. My mom's name is Samantha. Was this..... Her? But she seems so normal.... Not the least bit different.
I urged myself on knowing I had to find out more. Could this be my mom?

'She's a very nice woman and though she tries to look like everyone else she definitely doesn't. She's beautiful and I hate to see her try to act like she isn't. God I wish I could flirt with her so badly. I want her to notice me but I know that I'm not supposed to like anyone here. Therefore, I mustn't. Or should I? This is driving me crazy'

I can't help but smile at her dad. Now that I thought about it my mom was pretty. She had long straightened hair and long lashes. She tried to hide it but I could see she had light freckles on her cheeks. I could see why her dad liked her.

'Day 4
My day at work was boring. But I finished unpacking. Which is great! I talked to Samantha today too. God I can't get over her. She's pretty, no beautiful, and has a job at a coffee house. I invited her over to my place to hang out since I finished packing. I hope we can be friends.'

I felt tears brim her eyes threatening to escape. I wanted to see my dad badly. I wanted to actually talk to my mom. I didn't care if it was forbidden. I wanted them to be by my side so badly.

I wanted them to comfort me. I wanted them to tell me everything will be ok even though it wouldn't. I wouldn't care though. I just wanted to hear their soothing voices again. I wanted them to act like themselves and like parents rather than just following stupid handbook.

The stupid handbook that told people not to love. Not to care! I let the tears escape my eyes rolling down my cheeks and my sobs echoing through the cage I was trapped in. A cage that will keep me from the world all because I was different. I felt myself falling apart. I felt every piece of my body being torn apart from anger, depression, hurt, and sadness but most of all..... Confusion.

Why did the world hate people that were different. Why did they want to mold them into these robots that they can control? It was the craziest and most depressing thing the world people could ever do. Take away people's dreams and their wonders. Replacing it with grief and anger.

I hate this world. I hate every corner of it. It was disgusting and broken. Broken mostly. Broken to the point of almost no return. The world that could change but doesn't because they get taken away just like I did.

So I let the hot tears stream my cheeks running down my neck. I don't bother to wipe them away. Knowing more will come. I just want to cry. Cry forever. Cry until I have no more feeling. Cry like it's the end of the world.

Because it is. It's the end of my world to be exact. It's the end of the small freedom I had left. It was the end of me and my mom's small talk in the mornings and nights. It's the end of learning in school. It's the end of seeing me mother.

My world is ending. And there's nothing I can do about it. So I don't care if the person driving me to the facility can hear me. Or a homeless man on the street hears me. I scream until my very last breath. I cry till my eyes fall out. I curl up as tight as I can possibly go and presses my small form against a corner of the cage.

"Daddy! Mommy!" I scream.

"Help me! Help me! Please just help me! Talk to me do something just don't leave me alone! Please!" I beg and scream at the top of my lungs. As if maybe, my voice will be heard. Maybe they will help me.

"Someone! Anyone! Please!" I scream before looking down.

"I'm scared..... I'm scared..." I say but I start to say it more rapidly and louder until I bangs on the cage where the driver would be.

"I'M SCARED IM SCARED IM SCARED IM SCARED IM SCAAAAAAAAAAARED!" I scream. I'm going crazy. I can't stand, I'm way to tall. And I can't see the road, it's way to dusty. All I have is the light from the slot that is divided into three sections because of the bars. Finally they stop and I'm on the floor crying.

The people in hazmat suits open the door and I try to escape. Every cell in my body forces me to run but the men catch me just in time. I scream at them and bang on their chest with every ounce of strength I have built up. All my anger that boils in my head. My eyes like fire. My paint is messed up. It's all smeared off of me except for some.

But the men grab me with great strength. I scream and tried to run until I'm finally done. I'm defeated loosing my will to fight.

What's the point of escaping? I can't go back to a normal life or see my mom ever again.

I take a deep breath and looks around. The facility is giant and very guarded. With giant titanium walls that have barbed wire at the top of them. They have a searchlight and men with dogs that look evil with a burning hatred in their eyes. Definitely not what a dog should've looked like.

Finally I looks at the building.
It's ginormous. The facility is made of brick with tiny slots that they like to call 'Windows'. I clutch my bag tightly. I was thankful I had gotten it before trying to escape. It has my dad's journal and the stone after all.

I didn't know what the stone was meant for but if my dad gave it to me than it must be important. When I walked in there was a front desk and a woman that was rigid and looked bitter. The men signed me up and sent me to the showers. I was thankful they at least let me keep my bag. But not my clothes.

I had to wear long white pajama looking pants and a white tank top. After getting all the paint off I looked at myself in the mirror they gave me. My hair sprung up to its natural ringlet curls and my pale, freckled skin was now showing along with my purple eyes. My contacts had fallen out by accident after I kept wiping her eyes.

But now I looked at myself with a sigh. The world finally knew that I was different and glad I was put in a place like this. Where I couldn't be seen by society.

After getting dressed I was put in a room that was going to be mine for the rest of my life. It was completely white having only a bed, a bookshelf, a clock, and a barred window. I sat on my bed quietly looking down.

This is it, my entire life is going to be lived here. I thought.

But what I didn't know was that this was only the beginning of what was yet to come.

Oh so something's gonna go down! Wonder what it'll be? You'll find why in the next chapter (;
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A World of Hopes and Dreams Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora