The Stone

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I had woken up at exactly 8 AM just like everyone else on a Sunday morning. The world with its greyish tones and depressing aura. Except for me. Who had had what society calls 'the disease. I look at myself with my crazy curly hair, pale skin and freckles that covered my body.

I sighed a heavy sigh as I got up to do my usual makeup that hid every freckle and color along with straightening my hair so I didn't stand out since that was rule number one in the handbook that everyone had.

I got dressed into a white sweater and grey jeans that all of the people that were my age wore. I put on white sneakers and walked down the stairs where my mother was cooking eggs for breakfast. My mom didn't have the disease which I envied over.
"Hello mother" I murmured sitting at the table. "What is the schedule for today?"
"Well first we go to the court and get what your father left you and next I take you to school and drop you off" my mother said handing me the eggs.
I nodded looking at the eggs as I ate them. I was sick of stupid eggs. I ate them every morning and wanted a change that I sadly couldn't have so I bit back my wants and started eating them.

Though I wasn't allowed to have my own thoughts I pondered as to why my father had died in some war they never knew about. I couldn't help but think about it though I tried so hard to just except it and not cry since they were not allowed to have emotion except depression. As we finished eating we put their dishes in the sink and walked to the court. As I walked down the busy street of men and women with work and business suits and allies filled with homeless people. Entering the court though, everything seemed to slow down.

Everyone was in chairs. No one was talking. Absolutely still as if the slightest sound would make it out of rhythm. My mom walked up to a girl and whispered so it wasn't loud.
"I'm here to pick up what my husband left us."
"You must be the Hefley's. Follow me" The woman said standing up. She was obviously new since she was making things fall off her desk by accident or having the seat make a screech noise when she sat up. Her name tag had the name Zora on it. It was a unique and beautiful name and her looks were different than most women there. She had high cheek bones with big lips and a slender nose topped with giant eyelashes compared to her thin eyebrows.

She was the prettiest and interesting woman I had ever seen. Zora walked to a vault putting in the code and opening it to a bag. "Ma'am this is for you and Maybelle if I'm not mistaken I believe this is for you" Zora said handing me a tiny bag.

As I looked in it I could see Zora winking at me and walked away with a small smile. 'She actually smiled', I thought, 'does she even know the rules?'. I wiped off the baffled look on my face and looked inside the bag. It had a book. But it wasn't a normal book. It was my father's journal. But that wasn't all.

In a zipped up compartment in the bag was a stone that I looked at with astonished eyes for the stone wasn't just some grey boring stone. No it was multiple colors that seemed to swirl around inside of it. I instantly tried to hide it. For I knew I would be taken away for having it. My mom shook my shoulder lightly as I got out of my bafflement once again. "Maybelle it's time to go to school" my mom said. I nodded as my mom and I went separate ways not knowing this would be the last time in a long time I'll see my mother.

Hey guys so this is my first time to publish something but I hope you like it! Anyway the next part will be up soon! Not sure when but soon!

A World of Hopes and Dreams Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt