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I probably should have mentioned this before.

I maybe quite possibly probably very likely most definitely be going to France tomorrow.....

For three and a half weeks.....

I'm not sure if there will be internet either......

My dad did this whole fucked up thing to get a phone and wifi connection in the house but he needs to do one more thing to get it to work.

Which means that I might not have Internet for three and a half weeks....

If it does work then I will have to wait a few days for it to process then it should be fine.

So if you don't hear from me for three and a half weeks, I'm fine, I didn't die (maybe)

But if you don't hear from me for three and a half weeks +1 day then I quite possibly did die, from Internet deprivation.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning at like 6am which means I have to wake up at like 5am which I am NOT prepared for.

I'm going to die of sleep deprivation by the time I get there

I'll probably still stay up till 3am on Wattpad tho

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