Sad and stuff

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⬆️ Felicia Day ⬆️

No one reads this but yeah.

Ok I'm now sad because Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Sheppard are both going to the London Comic Con thing which is kinda close to where I live but not really but it's so expensive like a Benedict autograph is £85 then Marks is £30 plus entry tickets are like £20 each like who has that much money to spend on that whhyyy

It's 1:30am ish and I'm so tired but I can't sleep because my sister is snoring. It's also really hot and I'm hungry.

I'm kinda feeling sad but I'm not really sure why. Like I feel like there's this metaphorical void in my stomach and it needs filling. It could just be because I'm hungry. But I don't know.

I also kinda like really want to be in a relationship but I don't really like anyone plus no one would like me so that's a flop from the start.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now but I just want to eat food and watch supernatural. I don't see why that's so hard to do.

But then sleep is kinda essential and important for existing sooo...??

Another thing, I finished watching this TV series thing called The Guild which is about a group of gamers who are very skilled online but kinda flop in real life. It's got Felicia Day in it and it's kinda very amazing.

Ugh English

I use the words kinda, like and also too often in sentences so I apologise for that. 

I have now acquired a headache. Fuck existence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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