Supernatural wtf

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(If you're gonna watch it, don't read this 😂)

As soon as I heard the song "Carry on my Wayward Son" or whatever it's called at the beginning of Season 5, Episode 22 "Swan Song", I knew that shit was gonna be emotional.
That's the exact same song that played when Dean went to Hell.
I just finished that episode and wtf.
I don't even know what to say holy shit that was emotional.
I kinda guessed what was gonna happen but OMG I was not prepared.
And then Sam at the end of the episode, when he was watching Dean, OMG WTF.
I'm just gonna say something now, SHIT Castiel is cute.
But one thing, when u say his shortened name, is it "Cas" or "Cass" cause I've seen it both ways and it pisses me off.
I've been watching it with subtitles (idk how to turn them off cause it's on a portable DVD player 😂) and it says Cass with two S's but other say it with only one. Idk.
The way Sam and Dean looked at each other tho....
I'm now starting Season 6 but I'm not prepared.

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