Chapter 1

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Hello there! My name is Scarlet Wood. I am 12 years. I have dark red hair, bright green eyes. I am 5 feet 1inch tall. My favorite youtubers are Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Game theory and so on. It was September 23rd 2015. I got up, dressed and opened up my window. A cool, gentle breeze flew in sending shivers down my spine. I closed my window and sat down on my bed. I began thinking about everything that has happened. Even about my parents.

I was around 4 years old and my parents were arguing as usual. Then my dad pulled out a gun and pointed at me. He pulled the trigger and my mom got in front of me. She was killed right before my eyes. Then my dad put the gun up to his head. He pulled the trigger and shot himself. My neighbor walked in to see what happen and saw my parents both dead. She called 9-1-1 and next thing I know I'm in a cop car. They are going to take me to a orphanage home.


I began tearing up when our caretaker, Mr. Bobby walked in. "Scarlet time for your interview." He said. "Ok." I walked down stairs to see a bunch of parents. Here we go again.

YOU GUYS WANTED ME TO WRITE MORE AND HERE IT IS!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!! P.S: that is what scarlet is wearing!!

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