Not an update just a rant and how i asked out my bf

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Guess how's back? DUN DUN Back again? DUN DUN!! I wonder how many people got so mad that this wasn't an update and I have been gone since September. So how is everyone? Bob: Well, this isn't an update so angry. Wade: sameJack: I'm glad you're back but WHY ISNT THIS AN UPDATE!!  *starts swearing in irish*
Mark: well, I'm kind of angry cause this is not an update but doing fine. Recorded videos, acted like an idiot, you know the usual. Well, ok. That went kind of well. But here is the reasons I have been gone:
1: school basically hates me
2: again never really had time
3: being to annoying around friends
4: stalking people on Instagram
So yeah. I'm just here to rant on and on about stupid stuff cause I can't sleep. I wonder how many people are going to skip this. So tomorrow it's going to be Halloween (yay!) and of course I'm going to be Harley Quinn. I don't understand why people want to dress like her but they haven't seen Suicide Squad. Like I will bet u $100,000,000 that 2/3rd of the girls who dress up like Harley quinn haven't seen Suicide Squad. Like, it really annoys me. Like if u haven't seen the movie, read the comics, watch Batman: The animated series, played any of the Batman Arkham games then don't be her at all. Period. Now I'm not trying to be mean or rude. U can go be Harley Quinn for all I care but plz if u haven't seen the movie and you are dressing up like Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad, Plz don't do it. It's going to annoy the world and no body wants that. Now let me apologize for doing that. I don't want to get hate. Trust me, I get that enough from school. But I'm sorry, I have been Irritated by that and I had to get it out by some how. Cause sometimes I'll here girls at school say "I'm dressing up like Harley Quinn from this movie called Suicide Squad." I'll be like "Have u seen the movie?" Then this happens "No." And I'm just like stop. Just stop. Now me, I have seen the movie twice and I want to see it again.
Do u ever feel like u can't stop thinking about one person? Like they are your whole world and u would do anything for them? Yeah, that's how I feel right now. Now I think about my friends and how lucky and grateful I have them but when it comes to this person I'm extremely lucky. Let me tell u are story tonight kids.
It was one year ago when I told him how I felt. I was so nervous that day. August 27th, 2015. The day I told my boyfriend I liked home and he liked me to. Here is the story about how it all began.
It was August 27th, 2015. I was in the band room (this was when I was in 7th grade) and I was packing up my flute when My friend Lily said this. "You should tell him." "What? No. I can't do that." "Come on. You should talk to him." I looked up at him (we will call him joker) and I said "ok. I'm going to talk to him." Lily sat there with a smile on her face, "then do it." She said. I got up walked up the railing to the 3rd row and walked right behind Joker and his friend. "Hey...umm Joker can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure." We walked in front of the storage room when I told him. "So I have this friend, she likes you and she wants to know if you liked her too." "Ok. Is it Tobi?" "No." "The girl with the glasses?" "No, and her name is Lily." "Is it you?" I instantly blushed. "No. You know what, scratch that. Umm, who do you like?" "Well, I like this one girl but I don't know if she likes me back." My heart was racing at this point. "Ok, I'm going to tell you something. Promise me you won't tell anyone?" "I promise." "" I was madly blushing at this point. "I like you too." He just stood there, blushing. "Well, see you in science class. Bye." "Bye." I walked away and my face was red. "How did it go?" Lily asked. "He likes me." "Yay. I'm so happy for you." Then we left and went to class. At the end I went up to the Joker and said, "Will you go out with me?" "Wait, isn't the guy supposed to say that?" "Well, yeah. But it's ok if u don't want to date me." "Will you go out with me?" He asked. "Yes." I said. And there you have it my lovelies. The story of me and my BF.

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