Chapter 3

262 11 6

Mark POV
I zip up my jacket as I leave the house. I get into the car and drive to the adoption center. I get out and as I walk to the front door a gust of wind blows through making me sneeze. "Acho!" I yell. "Bless you." A young couple says. "Thank you." I reply. They were walking out with a young boy that looked 6 or 7. I open the door to see a lot of people hear. Mainly couples. But there was one girl with dark red hair that caught my eye. She looked 12 or 13. I walk up to the front desk and ask the lady if I could have a meeting with her. She happily agreed.
Before I went in the room were meetings were held, the old lady handed me her profile. "You know, he is popular with a lot of parents. But she always rejects them because se thinks that they are too 'preppy' but I think you have a shot." She says. "Thank you." I said. I walk in to she the dark red head on the opposite side of the table. She looked up and her eyes widened. "Your M-Markplier! My name is Scarlet!" She was definitely happy to see me.
We talked for a while and I knew I wanted her as my daughter. "How would you feel if I adopted you?" I ask. "I would be overjoyed, excited, glad to leave here and so on." She said. "Go pack your bags." I said with a huge smile. She jumped up and ran upstairs. As I filled out the paper work, I heard her come down stairs with a suitcase. "Ready to go?" I ask. "Yep!" She said.

Hey everyone! Fnaf16 here! I'm sorry if I haven't been updating! I have been sick and I still am today. But I just want to say thank you for 68 reads.

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