Ch 2. On My Own?

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Opening my eyes, I am greeted with the familiar white ceiling and an infuriating beeping. Blinking I focus on the light above me, I can see the shadows moving around it. The serum must be working. I attempt to sit up in the bed, but am kept down by the straps. Taking the chance I look around the room. There is a machine that is make an infuriating beeping sound, and a chair on the other side of me, beside that the room is bare. The straps are a smile buckle across my chest and legs. I easily slide my arm up and unbuckle to the one across my chest then the ones over my legs. Getting out of the bed I go to move my wings but they don't budge. We there is a quarter million dollars wasted, I think to myself. There is a door and as I suspected is lock, when I go to turn the knob. Looking around the room I see that are no vents large enough for me to squeeze in. The serum is either making me crazy or have new powers. I rip out one of my feathers, at least there was no pain, then again they could be paralyzed from the bullets. The more I think of it, the more likely my wings being paralyzed is the answer.

Taking the feather I rip out, I test the flexibility of it, by bending it til it snaps. They are more rigid but fairly sturdy, the feather is also sharper, almost like a blade. I run my finger along the edge of the feather, making a small cut appeared on my finger. My blood begins to flow a little bit onto my exposed skin. Another effect of the serum is that my once red blood is black and ink like. Perhaps this serum will have some positive side effects. Going back to the door, I rip out another feather and use my skills, via Cadmus, to pick the lock. I luck out that no alarm to my knowledge goes off. I look down the corridor, and am suspicious to see not a single person in sight. Either they are incredibly stupid or this is a test. I opt for the latter. I make my way down the corridor and as I do, the shadows move from my way, as if they were scared of me. My long black wings drag behind me as I walk. I pause for a moment, unsure of where to go. Should I look for Project or leave without him. He did help me escape though. Why do I need him though? Will he be a useful or not? These thoughts wander through my mind as I make the unconscious decision to keep walking down the hall.

A scream sounds from the other side direction. I turn on my heel and run towards it. I make my way through the halls and with every twist and turn the scream gets louder, eventually I can make out the voice is feminine. Most likely an adult. I eventually arrive at the location of the scream and watch as Project battles a female who uses her voice to knock him down. I step into the shadows as I watch. Taking another step back I can feel the shadows consume me, at first I am terrified but as I stay in the shadow, I calm down. I take a step but instead of stepping into the light like I planned I am moved to the next shadow. Jumping from shadow I make my way to the beams above the battle. I look around the room but it seems like they don't see me.

As Project is knocked down, the woman with blonde hair who battled him, helps him back onto his feet as another person goes and battles her. The cycle repeats until finally everyone in the room excepts for a girl with green skin and red hair. Something seems off, about her like she's changed her appearance. The green girl and blonde woman battle, again the woman is victorious.

"Is that everyone?" the blonde calls out as she helps the green girl up.

"No," Project says as he points to the other side of the room by the door I once stood by.

"You're getting sloppy." he says in English and I surprised to see I understand.

I watch as he crosses the room to where I once stood. Once he is directly underneath me, I leap down from the raptors. Landing on his shoulders, I jump off him and he falls from the force.

"No, you are the sloppy one." I reply in English as I land onto the ground, he goes to attack me. He throw his first punch but I take his arm and pull him forward and he falls. Project gets back up and goes to kick my wings, and the second his foot makes contact with one, it springs open, causing him to be thrown back. We continue to battle and each time he attacks, I deflect his move. I can tell he is becoming tired as I continue to fight back, he eventually falls onto the floor and doesn't get back up.

"Checkmate?" I question

"Check," he replies.

I walk over to Project and help him to his feet as a clapping begins to erupt from the onlookers. He takes my hand and leads me over to the on looker.

"Kid Flash, fastest boy alive, but you can call me Wally" says the red headed boy as he kisses my hand. Project glares at him.

"This is Black Canary, Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and of course you already know Supy." Wally says as he points out each person. I feel like I need to introduce myself but before I can Project does for me.

"This is Q" he says motioning to me.

"So what is Q short for" asks Wally

"What's all of your real names, and what the hell is Supy?" I fire right back at him.

"Kaldur'ahm, but please call me Kal" Aqualad says

"Wally West" says KF

"M'gann M'orzz, but please call me Megan" says the green girl

I turn to the so called Robin.

"Let me guess, you have it where your boss won't let you tell anyone." I say.

"How did you figure that?" Robin questions

"It's dark and you're wearing sunglasses, either you're protecting your identity or you like the Blues Brothers. That or your eyes are sensitive to light." I replies as I turn to Project

"My hero name is superboy, they call me Supy, but my regular name is Conner Kent" Project replies knowing what I was going to ask.

"After Superman's name, I suspect," I turn to Wally ", Q is short for Q25F4D7E9F65" I say as I hold up my wrists that have the combination of letter and numbers tattooed on my wrist.

"How about you think of a name for us to call you or we could help you, like Conner" voice Megan. I think for a bit about what I should call myself and I decided on the name.

"How about (Name) (Lastname)" I say. The others nod in agreement to my idea.

"I like it," Conner says.

"Why don't we show you around," says Megan and so they do.

A Flightless Fall (Young Justice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now