Ch 3. A World Beyond My Own

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As we walk along together, I turn to Conner. The words don't even get a chance to leave my lips as he answers my unspoken question.

"You've been out for about a week. Megan been feeding you information about the english language like the labs did for me. "

"Some one is very talkative today" says Wally as he speeds past us.

We continue on our way as Megan continues to show me around with the rest of the group on our tail minus Wally who keeps speeding around us in circles. As we complete the tour, Megan shows us back to a living space with sofas. I stand to the side as everyone else sits. Connor notices this as he sits down. He pats on the seat next to him and I narrow my eyes at him. How dare he treat me like a pet, runs through my mind. His face softens as he realises his mistake but before he can say anything, Robin speaks up.

"You can sit next to me" and I do. The group has some small talk before Wally again asks another personal question.

"So what exactly are your powers,"

"Honestly I don't know anymore. I've figure out I can travel via shadow but that's it so far."

"Well you can fly, can't you?" Questions Robin.

"What do you mean by 'so far' " questions Megan

"Wings aren't fully formed for flying plus the bullets banged them up even more, so flying is a no. And by so far, I'm a Cadum Lab experiment, they change my powers every month so I have no clue as of right now." I said as the room becomes deadly silent.

"What color?" questions Conner.

"Deadly Black according to the label."

"Project J.R."

"So a blast from the past, perfect." I say sarcastically.

"Can someone fill in what' she's talking about" says wally as he munches on cookies.

"Project J.R. or Project Jack Ripper, was a Cadmus project to create a living Grim Reaper for them to control. According to the files, available it was terminated for being too dangerous to a human test subject." says a red metal man.

"Your files need updating, Project J.R. was tested, and Jack went insane, killing 45 scientists in his little blood bath along with Project Wonderland and a few others. He also destroyed many irreplaceable serums and files along the way. Eventually they killed him for his destruction of files and serums." I said as the metal man made his way closer.

"Wait they only killed him for for destroying files." asks Wally

"And serums. Truly an entertaining day." I replied. Everyone but the metal man and Conner stared at me.

"You say like this happens all the time." says Megan.

"It...does" I say putting my head down.

"Perhaps you could in form the league on more information about Cadmus." replied the metal man. The League? I thought. All of the sudden puzzle pieces suddenly clicked into place. The metal man is Red Tornado. I am in the Justice League. I am not safe here. I need to leave. I need to leave now. I need to stall talking to them. I have already given away too much.

"Maybe after I get a chance to figure out, what my powers are. Or at least where I am supposed to stay." I reply. Megan get ups and motions for me to follow her and I do. We walk in silence until she begins to try to read my mind. I use my mind block and she falls down screaming. They boys rush in after us. Aqualad and Robin rush to help Megan, off the ground but she keeps squirming for them to help. She's screaming out in pain and it my fault. I feel a little guilty about it, but I remind myself she is the one that tried to read my mind. Conner blocks my view of Megan and Places his hands in mine only to rip them away in pain. I look at his hands, they look as if I burned them. I look at my own and they are dripping in a black inky liquid. I take off down the hall not really knowing or caring where I am going. I make it to the outside and spot a forest near by. The moon is full so I use it's dim light to guide my way through the forest. I keep running deeper and deeper into the forest with the only sound of my breath. I eventually come to stream and walk into my waist before I take a deep breath and pull myself under. At first the water freezes my body but I soon adjust to it's temperature. I can feel all of my fears, worries, doubts, and stress be pulled of by the current. I let the air in my lungs out and watch the bubbles float to the top of the water and disappear like my emotions. I stay on the bottom for a little longer before I swim my way to the surface and gasp for air. I hear a branch snap and turn my head in the direction of the sound. I see Wally who looks relieved to see me.

"You going to join me?" I ask and he jumps in with me.

"How can you stand this water it's freezing!" he shouts.

"They used to throw me in the lakes during the winter this is nothing" I say, he says nothing. I guess if I was him I wouldn't know how to reply either. I use my wings to splash him with a little water, and he splashes back. We continue for a bit til Conner and the rest of the group arrives. My eyes meet Conner's. It's a silent battle as Wally gets out of the water. Wally motions for me to get out but I stay put. Connor makes his way closer to the shore without breaking my eye contact. He puts his hand out and swim over to take it. As I stand up, I pull him into the freezing water. I get out while he sits there unsure of what I did. I start to walk off into another direction and wave to the group before turning to Conner.

"Traitor" I say as I run of back into the forest. The group begins to go after me but something stops them. I don't look back. I just keep running.

A Flightless Fall (Young Justice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now