Ch. 5

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a/n: forewarning this chapter will suck, it was during writers block but I need to write something to get from point A to B.  It changes POV and gets better at the end. Enjoy!

Maybe I should haven't run off but I couldn't stay. These people Conner trusts are the reason I was sent to the labs. The reason for my tourcher. If they wouldn't have destroyed the first lab, then the other test subject would have been alive. He would have lived.

My clothes dry quickly as I run farther into the forest. I eventually arrive to the middle of the forest. I hear others walking my way, not wanting to be caught I climb a tree. As I reach the middle of the top of the tree, I use my powers to darken the area around me. I watch, with the only sound of my breathing and their food steps to be heard. A man in all black who wore a mask walked out into a clearing nearby. I watch as the others surround the area.

"(Name) come out I only want to talk." says Batman. I roll my eyes at this statement. Not wanting them to have the real me, I make and illusion of myself. It walked out of a shadow by Batman and stands there silently.

"We know what happened to you. Your parents. Your brother. We know everything that happened in the original lab. We want to help. All we need you to do is tell us what Cadmus is planning to do next."

The fake me walks away and he chases it. Wonderwoman and Superman go to grab the fake me but it disappeared as they touch it. A cheshire like grin makes it's way to my face. They are so easily fooled. The other members of the league look frantically for me as I run from tree to tree in the shadows. I make my way eventually into Batman's shadow. A flash of light blinds me but I soon return to reality. I saw it though. From birth to now. His whole life and everything he felt. I guess that's why Jack snapped. The pain is so much to handle and yet his is nothing compared to my own.

"Batman we can't find her anywhere," calls superman.

"Let's head back then," suggests Wonderwoman.

Batman and the others walk back and soon the others join them. I risk myself by jumping to superman's shadow. The flash of light comes again but this time I am prepared. The pain isn't as bad this time but I learn such valuable information.

Back at the base Batman and Superman lecture the Young Justice team of their actions with me. How it could be avoided. I can still feel Megan trying to find my mind. She didn't learn to well the first time as the anger boils in me. She lets out a shriek of pain and I jump out of the shadows in surprise. I attack the lights and cause the power to go out. They can't find me just yet.

An alarm sounds with flashing red lights. Others storm in and they are searching. I know Batman knows I'm here but the others are oblivious to as to why. The emotions produced by the terror I've created fills the room. It's like candy for my lungs. I can feel my body shift and change as I move shadow to shadow of each person. My body itself is no more than a shadow but with an ink like flow to it. My details are lost as I feel my body move around. The emergency lights come on and I quickly jump into Conner's shadow. He lets out a cry of pain and falls to the floor. Before the others notice I jump to Wally's shadow. It feels different than Conner's, almost like I landed into a pile of fluffy pillows. I close my eyes and fall asleep without realizing it.

I woke the next morning still in Wally's shadow. I watch the world around me move as he walks down the corridors with Robin. Maybe this isn't so bad. I watch from the shadows of the room the second they enter. Wally and Robin quickly make their way to the mat and begin to spar under Canary's order. I still need a way out, but where am I to go? My thoughts are broke while Megan stares at me. I move and her stare is broke by Conner talking to her.

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